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Status Updates posted by Tedhaun

  1. Chrome users should watch this video: http://screencast.com/t/E7qx9slnlH0

  2. Congrats on becoming a Super Member at long last Neoman.

  3. Congrats on becoming a Super Member Vivies!

  4. Congrats on becoming a Super Member, dcoolb! :D

  5. Congrats on becoming a Super Member!

  6. Congrats on getting a Halloween Meepit zap Spritzie! I never really really saw it coming until I read your recent Lab Ray post.

  7. Congrats on getting a Lost Desert Petpet Paint Brush from a Random Event! I've yet to get a Paint Brush from an RE however.

  8. Congrats on getting a Nerkmid from a Random Event, I remember getting one of those last Spring.

  9. Congrats on getting Super Member, Lisauntie!

  10. Congrats on getting the Neomail Addict avatar. That one requires a lot of patience. I remember that one time that I got mine while trying to compose a message to another user back in early-November last year.

    1. emmz_emmz_


      thanks! It just popped up randomly after I'd sent my friend a message, it was such a nice suprise, I'd given up hoping for it ages ago!

  11. Congrats on having an art piece shown in today's Art Gallery right in time for Borovan Day!

  12. Congrats on hitting Rank 40, man! You certainly don't mess around when it comes to the Altador Cup. Cheers, Matt! :D

    1. Azeruth


      Thanks! This was the most I played in an AC.

  13. Congrats on the Basic Golden Nerkmid. I remember getting one from an RE last May (or was it April?).

  14. Congrats on the Pirate Draik Egg, Karina!

  15. Congrats on the Robot Tuskaninny zap! You plan on keeping him like that or continue zapping?

    1. morgennaraene


      I'll keep zapping.. I'm not really too keen on the look of the Robot Tusky and I just opened a Lab Ray cookie that gave me 2 extra zaps a day :D My other 3 pets are pretty much the way I want them so I don't want to mess with them.. But maybe if I found someone to to take him and I could get a new Lab Rat before tomorrow.. I don't know, I've had Redd for a long time, he was the original on that account so, it's a tough decision..

  16. Congrats on the Water Wocky zap! You plan on zapping him more, or stopping there? That's a very elusive colour by the way. :)

    1. Dynohawk


      Thanks! No I'll be keeping him water and sending to a side or a friend eventually I think :-)

  17. Congrats on your 1,337th post Angelo.

  18. Congrats on your Aisha Transmogrification Potion LoveBee!

  19. Congrats on your Disco Fever Paint Brush win at the Fruit Machine! I remember winning a Spotted Paint Brush over there several weeks ago! If you don't have a pet you want to paint Disco, you should sell yours!

  20. Congrats on your lucky Fruit Machine win, Maxx. I've yet to win a Paint Brush from that machine.

  21. Congratulations on becoming a Super Member!

    1. wistiria12


      Thank you so much! I just noticed :3

  22. Content Trial already? Hope you do well with your trial! C:

    1. msmanic


      Thank you! I'm going to try :)

  23. Crud, I'm late. Way to go on becoming a Super Member.

    1. Zombiiesque


      Aww, that's okay - thank you! :D

  24. Currently feeling EXCITED today since I got the Ultimate Bullseye 2 avatar, I thought that I would NEVER get that one without luck!

    1. Sakabato


      Ugh, that avatar is frustrating for me. X_X

    2. Spirited Away

      Spirited Away

      OMG most of my populution of my Habitarium Died. T-T

  25. Currently rocking myself in the Altador Cup, gliding towards the ranks. B)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tedhaun


      Currently working towards Rank 13 right now, 1/3rds of the way there.

    3. Sakabato


      Rank 2, I'm totally not lazy omg.

    4. Tedhaun


      Rank 16 working up to Rank 17 right now.

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