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Posts posted by britt

  1. Hi all,

    I'm britt.

    I've been on neopets since I was little, although I'm on a 43 month account after being hacked and frozen from a previous one.

    My favourite thing to do on neopets is collect avatars, I'm completely addicted to it.

    I also loving the games,especially faerie bubbles and dubloon disaster, even if I'm not really that great at them.

    I mostly get right back into my neopets addiction every year during the summer holidays, because its too much of a distraction during the school year.

    But I'm happy to be back for the next 8 weeks while on holidays, before starting my last year of high school.

    Oh and I'm Australian :)

    So HI ALL

  2. Oh right, I should have guessed that. Totally makes sense.

    I'm having to replace that addiction with bubble town, but I can't win any neopoints for that :(

    I really should get involved in this plot.


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  3. Finally got the Bilge Dice avatar after 2 and a half hours of continuous playing! So exciting. After getting the 24 one I decided I'm gonna wait to go back and attempt the lucky streak one, seeing as that is much more difficult to obtain.

    That's two new avatars in two days, as I also got the petpet lab pile of soot one yesterday. Luck seems to be on my side :)

  4. I still can't seem to get past the very first bit. I was wondering, is there any special procedure/map to pass this level. I just keep clicking floorboards next to them but they dont seem to move at all, it drives me crazy

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