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Posts posted by Mazzew

  1. Relationships in general are hard. My sister had a long distance. They dated for 2 years, and got married. The marriage lasted less than 1 year. The guy lied and faked the kind of person he was. That was nearly 8 years ago, and she still is recovering from the experience.


    It just seems like it's harder now a days. My mom is the only of her siblings to not divorce. One of my uncles is on marriage 3. Where as my parents have been married for almost 30 years.



    My ex boyfriend used to fake liking what I liked as far as musical and personal taste go, I thought he'd be the right guy but then a month later I saw right through him.

  2. My life has become insanley busy. School, therepy, group therepy, taking care of my real pets(I have to beautiful cats named Jude and Tucker), and even simple things like getting to bed on time and doing non-Neopets things(chores, laundry etc...) therefore, I'm having to put 3 of my pets on my main account in the Neopian Humane Society(I don't like the word pound). I've put Neopets up for the adoption before and wrote down their names to find them and see if they found good homes in which all of them have. My side accounts I will keep in case if anything happens to my main but will primarly use my single pet main account. The pet I am keeping is my level 4 going on level 5 Xweetok Sugar Cookie(or just Cookie for short). I am very attached to her and have worked hard to get her where she is in her virtual life. Besides, Xweetoks are my favorite! Plus I don't have time to play many games on Neopets so my income is very low and would'nt be able to give all my pets the life they deserve. If I were a neopet I wouldn't want to eat in Soup Kitchen and have barley any toys or belongings. That's why I decided to keep Cookie, because she's the only pet I've had in Neopets history that I've said "I can't imagine life without her."


    I'm very sorry if anyone takes offense to this. Please don't be mad. I'm almost a borderline Neopet Hoarder it feels like, but at least I'll have Cookie.


    You guys have been so nice to me since I joined this forum.

  3. Fashion used to be a big priorty for me. I don't know why but I was just like:"Meh, what's the point?" I used to do the full thing with makeup: Eyeshadow, mascara, blush, eyeliner blah blah blah. Now I just don't really care what people think.

  4. HAHAHA! My Super Sweet 16 is an awesome show! Of course the premise is for them to look snobby but I find it funny. :laughingsmiley:

    I went to a Mexican restaurant for my 16th birthday - and got a first generation iPod mini (remember those?! LOL). What did everyone else do?


    ETA: Another show that I find hilarious is Party Momma's or something like that. So funny.


    On my 16th birthday I got a cake and some new tee-shirts. I'd rather I get 2-3 big gifts than get like 18 small gifts.

  5. And then they wonder why their children grow up the way they do and continue that behavior. And that's strange it signed you up at a boy... hahaha


    The show "My Super Sweet 16" is living proof of that. Those girls get like 4K spent on their birthdays and then they don't get the car or shoes they want and throw a hissy(haha, Hissi) over it! I'm lucky to be in family that appreciates every little thing we have.

  6. It's so frustrating. I understand kids throw tantrums BUT HANDLE THEM. Don't just let them get away with anything. One time when I was 3 I had a tantrum in Caldor's (I think that's what it's called... Gosh I miss that store) and my mother picked me up and said that if I wouldn't behave I'd never leave the house again. I never acted like that again.


    Just to avoid confusion I am a girl. Why this website says I'm a guy, I really don't know.


    I hate it so much when kids cry and cry and then they say

    "Fine Alex you can have the power ranger"

    After they have just thrown a massive fit! "Spare the rod, spoil the child"

  7. I agree. I've always said I don't want kids, and the majority of them irritate the crap out of me. I especially hate when they're parents let them run amuck in public places. Like no little girl, stop touching my hair while I'm trying to eat my dinner. -_-


    And alot of them are so freaking spoiled! They could be in Target and they say

    "Mommy can I get a power ranger?"

    "No, Alex you'll have to wait until your birthday"



    It echoes through the entire building!

  8. I fear I'm not as girly as most girls here. I don't have an obsession with clothes, nor do I wear any makeup or skirts/dresses ever. :P


    Same here. I wear tee shirts, jeans and sneakers. I put on mascara and perfume and concealer if I have a zit. I don't style my hair I just wash it and put it in a ponytail. I don't really like looking at or going shopping for clothes. I used to but not really anymore. I'd rather do other things(neopets) than spends hours and hours just putting an outfit together.


    Not to mention, I am the anti-maternal. I really don't like kids. People say "Oh you'll change your mind." Umm...I made the desicion not to have kids in 6th grade and I still don't want them. I guess I could say my Neopets are like my kids as well as my cat and my (future)gecko.


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  9. Is it just me or do neopets get more picky as they gain levels and intelligance. I once had a Bori who refused alot of diffrent foods and toys. She was high in level and had somewhat high intelligance. Do those factors have anything to do with a pet's pickiness?

  10. What are you asking for in return for this Eyrie? I'd love to give him/her a home but it depends on what kind of pet you want back :)


    I don't have painted pets sorry. Trust me, I know what it's like to be torn between keeping and not keeping a pet. I have self froze several accounts because I ended up giving up alot of pets and regretting it. If you do find her a good home, good luck!

  11. Welcome to TDN Mazzew. :) I'm Spritzie.


    Mazzews are cute. I still need to get one myself. Kookith's are my favorite petpet.


    To be honest I don't even own a Mazzew. I had a Mazzew plushies in real life when I was a little kid. I also like Onas. I wanna own a Ona lol.

  12. What are your pets? What are their names? What color are they? Why did you adopt them? Why did you start playing Neopets?


    My pets are(their names have been shortened because some of them are a pain to type out:




    Sugar Cookie/Blue/Female/Xweetok




    Side 1







    Side 2






    Side 3






    Side 4





    I am yet to take in another pet.


    I adopted all my pets because I am very lonley and don't have alot of friends. Same reason why I started playing. I feel like nobody besides my parents understands me(I am disabled, I have Autism). Therefore, my pets are my friends and extented virutual family. It would break my heart if I were to be frozen or hacked/scammed. I always play by the rules and do everything in my power not to lose them. They are my best friends because they don't judge or point out your social mistakes and emotional problems.

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