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Posts posted by TheDischordant

  1. I play a lot of different games. I've got an Xbox 360, but I'm primarily a PC gamer, provided my computer can handle the game, anyway. I've played everything from FPS to jRPG titles. 


    A notable list includes:

    • Major MMO's (Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn)
    • jRPG's (Lost Odyssey, Record of Agarest War, -Most- Final Fantasy Games, Valkryie Profile & VP2, Persona, Persona 2, Lunar, Lunar 2)
    • FPS (Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo (basically all of them except Halo 5). 
    • Action/Adventure/Western RPG (Kingdoms of Amalur, Assassin's Creed (All up to 4), Mass Effect (All), Dragon Age (All)
    • Misc (Stardew Valley, AdVenture Capitalist, War for the Overworld, Rhythm Zone, Plants vs. Zombie)

    I've played a -lot- of video games, and I still play quite a few. I'm most active in MMO's now, I don't own a DS and haven't owned any type of handheld gaming system since the Gameboy Color, in fact. And all of this is just recounting games I've played in the last ten years. If I trace back further, I started with an Atari, and Pong.

  2. My reading tastes tend toward basically whatever I can get my hands on. I just finished re-reading Unascended, which is the seventh book in the Stargate Atlantis: Legacy series. I've really enjoyed the series so far, and I'm waiting for the..eighth one in the series? I think 8 is out already?


    Edit: Yeah, Eight is out already, 'Third Path'. I haven't gotten it yet, but it's definitely on my reading list. I have a pretty long list of things I need to read, dozens of books I got for nothing (or almost nothing) via Kindle. Did I mention that reading is my other favorite past-time?

  3. I tend to be the flip side of that, as I'm well into adulthood - going to be celebrating my 34th birthday some time next month. I'm a stay-at-home busybody type, who spends most of their time on MMO's, and tinkering with NP games, even though I tend to be pretty bad at them for whatever reason. I get decent scores in games on other websites, so you'd think I'd be better at Neopets games, but that never seems to be the case.


    @Aquamentis12 - Thanks for the links! I used to use IDNQ, and I'm not sure which guide I'll use this time, only I know that I need to use one of them. @_@;


    @funkydragondiva78 - I was gone from Neopets for almost seven years, just because time and inclination kind of drove me away from the site. I stopped playing it, along with doing a few other things I really enjoyed, and went into kind of a self-imposed isolation period. But the fact that I'm back at all is just because I still love Neopets, I love my pets, I love playing around on the site, and I even like reading the forums, despite not doing much with them (the Neoboards, not here), though I'm pretty quiet here, too.


    @midnight_spell360 - I definitely appreciate the sentiment, even if I tend to be a little more set in my ways. I do enjoy reading the opinions of others, even if I disagree with them, because that's how we learn. There are some topics I plan on steering far away from in any given capacity (religion, politics), because those are the topics that I've seen just tend to lead to trouble. Partially because I'm set in my ways, but also because, while I like to say I'm open-minded, I'm also very opinionated, and I don't like what might inevitably become confrontation.


    Anyway, like I've said before, I thank everyone for taking the time to make me feel welcome. I'll try to poke feelers into the rest of the forum soon, and post about. Not sure what I'll find to talk about yet, but I'll figure something out! o/

  4. Thanks for the very warm welcome. I know that it's going to be difficult some times to force myself out of the rut and into posting and being active. I just have to remember to stop holding myself back when it comes to interaction, is all. I have a lot of issues (that I don't really want to go into) that contribute, but I'll do my best. Thanks again for the welcome, and also the encouragement, I look forward to conversing with everyone in the future!

  5. Like the title says, this is incredibly late in coming. I was very active on NP some six years ago, I fell out of it due to various reasons, but recently I decided to get active again, start playing, play some of the games, eventually finish my NeoQuest play through, and just kind of enjoy the site (as much as possible). 
    Not a lot to say about me in terms of introduction. I'm a bit of a nerd, I enjoy reading, writing, etc, I've been on Neopets for the last 11 years, with sporadic periods of activity. I spend most of my time roleplaying, running d20 games, or  listening to music. I'm usually kind of shy, and it took.. well, obviously a long time to build up to wanting to say hello on the forums. I tend to go into long periods of quiet, and I don't always contribute to threads because I find others have said it better, but I'm trying to push myself back out of my 'comfort zone' and into a place where I can be active and social.


    And I got to rambling.  Right, hi everyone!

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