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Posts posted by MaraquanEyrie

  1. Personally I wouldn't roll again because it took me far to long to reget the avatar when I was in a similar situation, but I collect avatars where I can and it just wasn't worth it for me. You might have a different view, but whatever you decide good luck.

  2. Are everyone's donations recorded, and when the time comes will they be taken into account? I hate to sound petty but I have donated before and I'm seriously considering emptying my bank since we're so close (I have a feeling that the closer we get the more people will donate) but than I wouldn't have anything for collat.

  3. Bonnefoy seems to like plushies so how about a plushie petpet.


    This link shows the plushie petpets. I think the noil would be a good choice for Bonnefoy

    I couldn't think of a good match for your other pet other than pirate and those are more than your price range (a swabby would be cute but that would be better in my opinion to buy here http://www.neopets.com/pirates/piratepets.phtml with dubloons than with np from a user shop) but you can always change the search parameters and find something you would like.


    http://items.jellyneo.net/index.php?go=show_items&specialcat=33&numitems=75&sortby=name you could also look here. This is a list of the unpainted petpets. And for future reference keep in mind if you do want a painted petpet its possible that the original petpet and the paintbrush could be cheaper (overall) than buying a prepainted one though that method will be more than 10,000np.

  4. I could start the next level right away when I didn't had the Fatigue curse. Waiting now for fatigue to end to go to level 11. So far they have all been the same.


    Oh, I'm also working on this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjqMSazc1Er3dERCcUZOTkhJM1RyN3NQTlJ2SU1ncEE&usp=sharing#gid=0


    It's only my own data (combined a bit with this: neopets.com/~camia_quroc and JellyNeo's solutions) so the percentages might still be off since that is ONLY my own data, if you have foresight however, you can use it to pick the right option as you can see who is behind the door.

    On tab 2 there is a very small, nothing like TDN's page with the effect of some Curses that might mess up the correct answer.


    I made a list of my own and our results match up pretty well. Your outcome percentages are great. I hadn't thought to keep track of who was behind the door so foresight was meaningless to me. I would recommend this doc to everyone who wants fewer negative outcomes and more positive ones. kudos to you.

  5. Have you tried Dress to Impress?

    I found some that I think look decent. Here are my favorites. ( although maybe consider pants with some like Black Utility Trousers, or Patchwork Cargo Shorts, etc. pretty much sticking a brown or black wont distract from the rest of the outfit) :

    Altadorian Warrior Plate Shirt

    Dapper Deathly Union Shirt and Jacket

    Respectable Shirt and Waistcoat

    Vivacious Black Shirt

    Rugged Shirt and Vest

    Dapper Deathly Union Shirt and Jacket

    Festive Shirt with Gold Bow Tie


    It really depends what type of feel you are going for... spell casting warrior? dark wizard? friendly hunter of dangerous artifacts? and so on. Hope I was some help, anyway I hope you find what you are looking for.

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