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Posts posted by keithp

  1. All are in the pound with no clothes. so many so here they are.


    mistletoe_queen- Christmas acara

    Sunny7068- Christmas acara

    snoow_y- Christmas bruce

    __valeska__ - Christmas bruce

    Comit826- Christmas bruce

    snowblue411- Christmas bruce

    star1588- Christmas bruce

    Bug20- Christmas buzz

    Buzzy_Halloween- Christmas buzz

    buxi3- Christmas buzz

    Sunny_Puppy_200- Christmas gelert

    po_23- Christmas grundo

    mow11- Christmas grundo

    LUs1A- Christmas grundo

    Dragogrundala- Christmas grundo

    GreenGrundoDude_001- Christmas grundo

    Mufumufumu- Christmas grundo

    PUTEZ- Christmas grundo

    Super3602- Christmas jubjub

    smaug33813- Christmas jubjub

    littlejubjub_1_1- Christmas jubjub

    bolita40- Christmas jubjub

    Greenie308- Christmas jubjub

    Topherr__Gracee- Christmas jubjub

    kouugra___12- Brown moehog

    Moehog_Yaje_Jr- Brown moehog

    LOUIS715- Christmas nimmo

    goldenbuddy3658- Christmas nimmo

    __Master__Cheif____ - Christmas usul

    crystal_1296- Christmas usul

  2. Well here are the names if anyone wants.

    mistletoe_queen- Christmas acara

    Sunny7068- Christmas acara

    snoow_y- Christmas bruce

    __valeska__ - Christmas bruce

    Comit826- Christmas bruce

    snowblue411- Christmas bruce

    star1588- Christmas bruce

    Bug20- Christmas buzz

    Buzzy_Halloween- Christmas buzz

    buxi3- Christmas buzz

    Sunny_Puppy_200- Christmas gelert

    po_23- Christmas grundo

    mow11- Christmas grundo

    LUs1A- Christmas grundo

    Dragogrundala- Christmas grundo

    GreenGrundoDude_001- Christmas grundo

    Mufumufumu- Christmas grundo

    PUTEZ- Christmas grundo

    Super3602- Christmas jubjub

    smaug33813- Christmas jubjub

    littlejubjub_1_1- Christmas jubjub

    bolita40- Christmas jubjub

    Greenie308- Christmas jubjub

    Topherr__Gracee- Christmas jubjub

    kouugra___12- Brown moehog

    Moehog_Yaje_Jr- Brown moehog

    LOUIS715- Christmas nimmo

    goldenbuddy3658- Christmas nimmo

    __Master__Cheif____ - Christmas usul

    crystal_1296- Christmas usul

  3. The coding idea might be a start for a solution, I mean, whats stopping people from posting bad pictures you know? I ever even thought about that!


    When I read about WOW I was jealous because that's what Neopets should be like with getting your stuff back. With all their paid stuff I think they could do something similar.


    And yes those questions, they are the biggest issue and prevent TNT from giving so many accounts back! Your right, give us secret questions only we know (and actually remember!) Once you are asked for the secret question answer not even the cg will know it so if you log out they will not longer be able to get in your account! Better yet, on login we type our pass AND the answer to one random secret question (randomly choosen from secret questions we picked) so that's double protection! I would be ok with that. So we type our password and answer to secret question (like whats your pets name) so even if someone gets your pass, they wont have your question answer.

  4. No I know it is, but the video is always the Neopets video. I remember the videos used to be for Post cereal, Nickelodeon, Mcdonalds, Toys r us, various movies, and other companies. Now Neopets advertises Neopets.


    I must agree with the lousy questions... I got a document with all my information which I update once a month, ever since the first time I've heard of a CGer.


    Yeah, now picture 12 or 13 year old's remembering all those questions and writing stuff down.... none of which would ever happen! It spells doom for most young players. I've had an account hacked and gave all the correct info, and they still didn't say I knew enough! I'm sorry but fair and neopets doesn't go together. They need to spend more cash and fix the issue, or take down NC mall and stop wasting our money! Down the line I see the site closing down as just another fad gone....

  6. I think they are greedy and even though money funds the site, they really do have more than enough and should be giving more to the users. and they are slowly draining the fun out of what was supposed to be a FUN game site! I am close to the age of some of the younger TNT members, and I can see greedy and not caring all over most of their faces. Users have even said some TNT mod's are more willing to give you back your account then others, and they will tell you which TNT mods do what, that is so wrong that depending on who you get you may or may not be treated fairly! Politics should not be involved on Neopets! EVERYONE should be treated equally! I am sorry but I can see why stores stopped selling neopet items, it is loosing popularity and I bet you that is why the NC mall was made, to make up for all those users they ahve been loosing. Adver video (aka video ad's that sponser neopets we watch so we buy their products) are gone, Neopets advertises itself now, lol.

  7. I'll tell you what I miss:


    painted pets keeping their clothes on in the pound, some old looks of certain pets, original versions of most games that gave out more np's, posting ideas in the forums and instead of being reported for spamming actually have people like your ideas, the lack of any new items sold in toy stores so we could redeem the codes, more mcdonalds neopets.


    NC mall is a waste in my opinion, spending real money for items you cant even sell for NP's. If you could sell them for NP's then I would be ok with it.

  8. I didnt want to post this on the actual site for many reasons, but we can safely discuss it here.


    With all these CG incidents I dont think TNT is doing enough to stop them or help victims get their account back. So many people who had it happen were not able to get their accounts back even after giving the right info, and these people have been members for years. When they freeze someones account nothing should be able to be done with it, it will remain the same (ex, pets,np's etc..) So that in itself yes does help you so you dont lose anything. BUT, why are they being so nasty and not just giving people their account back and just ask them to change their password? It's like TNT just doesnt care at all, they tell people to just make a new account. That defies the purpose of playing for years!


    But yet to get an account back if you forgot your password they ask you 50 questions it seems and there is more rules than most people playing understand I bet! Plus the questions they ask most people dont remember. All your abandoned pets, shop items you had, all your neofriends. I am lucky I remember any of that the next day! Those are the wrong questions to ask. You expect most tweens, or older kids to even read the rules, I bet not. It's a game site, all people want to do it play and have fun, not read pages of rules. Would facebook be so successful if you had pages of rules, probably not.... even neopets needs to lighten up! Sorry for the rant... anyway


    TNT must do something to stop this CG! Make something to block anybody from clicking on a bad link. Have some program that detects these bad links before someone can click on it, much like an antivirus stops you from going to a bad site. And let everyone get their account back, they should understand this is happening so often so if someone reports it and matches some of the info only they would know, they should be sympathetic becuase they should not have a site that is able to get messed around with so easily! Thats their responsibility to fix it asap! And they just seem to relaxed like "who cares we have millions of users anyway well never run out of players"


    They should "freeze" the whole site until it's fixed so the account losses stop, until it's safe to go on again. Than once it's fixed everything is back up and running, and safe. But they probably wont, because they'll loose money... if it was a hack on NC mall I bet it would be taken care of swiftly!

  9. If you have a good antivirus and antispyware program on your computer, then theoretically, if you click a bad link on neopets or go into a bad shop, shouldn't it just block you from going any further (in other words your antivirus wont allow you to go in the shop), and from the spyware getting your cookies? Like those bad links all over facebook that if you click you get infected, my antivirus blocks all of them and prevents me from getting infections.

  10. I am going out on a limb trying something new. I am trying to help as many painted pets in the pound who are missing their clothes to find loving homes. I created a guild that is exactly for this, in hopes it will catch on and others will support my cause. I need lots more people to join, (especially need someone good with layouts page looks boring!) Also need foster homes for pets, and someone to advertise the guild, among other jobs.


    Please consider joining if you want to help! Painted Pets Without Clothes Rescue- http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4044390


    If you dont feel like joining please spread the word for me about it, thanks.


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