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Posts posted by Alynniae

  1. That's really good! Well done. I hope you get in ^_^


    yeah, yours was also GREAT!!!

    i've read it, it's awesome, you deserved to win!

    now, i'm holding my fingers acrossed(even when i'm sleeping :laughingsmiley: )

  2. sooo... because of tank girl, who won the last poem contest, i decided to try it.

    The whole coltzan thing, i wasn't there :sad01_anim: , too bad...

    But the whole coverage(it's small!!!) is on neopets, so I decided to make a poem about the search for the crown:


    The crown of Coltzan,

    stolen in a silent rush.

    The only thing left,

    a note to all of us.


    The pets teamed up,

    the start of a quest.

    They had to find the crown,

    so they had to be fast.


    A journey through the world,

    the search continued everywere.

    The clues keeped piling on,

    and pets helped here and there.


    Nothing kept them from searching,

    stopping the villains for good.

    'cause you can't stop the ones,

    who worked with everything they could.


    The journey was rewarded,

    the crown was finally found.

    The seekers were thanked,

    by the people around.


    But the greatest thank you,

    to those seekers so unafraid.

    Was the great adventure,

    and the friendships they'd made.


    (hope you all like it)


    that's my entry, but what are YOU going to enter???

    I hope they like it, i don't think i'll win the first time, but hey, i just try, and i liked it, so i'm going to do this more than once, for fun:-P

  3. welcome to the forums,


    it's always nice when new people join the forums, more people to talk to :laughingsmiley:

    most players here are experienced players, and most of the time there's somebody who knows the answer on you question.

    so enjoy your time here and try to help others, they'll help you faster then :whistle:

    see you around, somewhere in the topics 0:)

  4. just started fighting with punchbag bob, it's going to take a loooot of my time...

    how long did it take YOU to defeat him, i want the trophy.

    I use the bronze short sword and the scarab ring, around 11 hp every turn, pffff...


    edit: it's 20 hp, around 11 when he defends himself, stop defending yourself bob!!!

  5. cornfalkes is right, there are many people who ask for guild layouts, personal avatars or something else, and they're not going to help somebody who comes out of nowhere and asks for something. it's just like real life, first get friends, then the gifts and favours will come :laughingsmiley:


    okay, next subject: welcome to the forums, hope you're going to be an active member, always fun to find somebody who you see on many topics.

    'till next time :rolleyes_anim:

  6. just spun the Wheel of Excitement, i'm excited: Yellow Ogrin Morphing Potionpot_ogrin_yellow.gif

    on the Shop Wiz it's only 7000 np, but if it'll ever inflate, or they'll ever release an avvie for yellow ogrins, or if I'll ever want a yellow ogrin, I'm happy now:-P


    mediocrity: archaesaurus tail:-P

    misfortune: usulbat plushie, yeah!


    that's it, i'm lucky today

  7. I live in rural New Hampshire so we get asked about maple syrup, Autumn leaves, Carhartts, and lobster(even though Maine is a 3 hour drive from where I live) :sad01_anim:


    that's...strange, tourists are strange (but if i'm ever going to america, i'll probably be as annoying as everybody else :whistle:)

    I hope that (it wasn't a lupe <_< ) the christmas... thing, will get a great new home, i've also found a camouflage acara, but after, about 10 seconds, it was gone, i hope he/she will get a great home too!

  8. i don't really like wooden shoes, but as a scout, the tourists love it when you sell them waffles at the flower parade <_<


    but i've found a christmas lupe in the pound, search for: IcicleFrostBlizzard

    i'm starting a little adopt thing here:-P

  9. Oh yes! Congrats on your new Speckled friend! Mina okeastaan viha ihmiset joka jyskyttaa nsa hellitella :grrr:


    My Gnorbu is Speckled. And yes I have a second language.


    a second language, coooool :laughingsmiley:

    me too (as seen on the screenshots), i'm dutch :king: :king: :king:!!!

    with tulips and stuff(no, just a teenage girl with an ipod, laptop and stuff who's playing neopets)

  10. 11.gif




    Pant Devil will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


    This snickering little gremlin has been stealing all your items for the past year or so... are you going to let it get away without a fight?



    Hahahaha, finally i can revenge(when my pets are a bit stronger :laughingsmiley: )

    long live random traveling trough tyrannia:-P

  11. after that, i also saw 3 blue bruces...


    their names:







    that's too awful!


    That's pretty mean, but there could have been a reason as to why they did it. Maybe they were quitting Neopets for good and wanted someone else to have their pets?


    maybe, but why those names, and those bruces, those were just: let's make some bruces and then pound them, come on guys, why are you on neopets when you're only going to pound your pets?!

  12. 1348511292_5_O__0.jpeg

    (yes it's dutch)


    three pets of the same owner, how bad could you be??? :grrr:

    and the names: nate_loves_..._...

    those will make sure nobody is going to adopt them, i feel sorry for the neopets :sad02:


    edit: i've just adopted a skeith, he is speckled and his name is pegasus9275, he really looked sad, so i keep him, and if i EVER get the lab map i just zap him 'till he's not a skeith anymore, and then i put him in some agency so he can get a good home. 'till them, i'm just going to feed him :laughingsmiley:




  13. yeah, i haven't got really much np :laughingsmiley:

    but, i'm really lucky at the money tree, as a hollander, i can say that it's 7 hours later here then in america.

    so the snowager stuff is at 3 pm for me :king:

    and because of that, it's not really crowdy at de money tree when i'm on neopets.

    sometimes there are give-aways from people at the money tree.

    once, i clicked, and what did i found in my inventory: 3 petpets and a P3, i'm so lucky.

    so maybe, there will be another give-away, another time, just keep looking for it :laughingsmiley:

  14. apple juice=darkobsession

    cherries jubalee=geoterza

    pumpkin pie=piticent123

    spooky doughnut=wistiria12

    bronto bite=psychopiz

    dirt pie=dcoolbananafan

    ummagine (2x)=cookiethelion and 48066

    scarab cookie (2x)=dasavo and opalescent

    boiled egg on toast= iamthewalrus95

    super juicy berry (2x)=duchness of naught and kryshasyrin


    because there weren't enough prizes, i'll add some extra prizes :king:


    Lemon Jelly: shoyruhadouken


    I'll send the prizes this afternoon





    i've send the prizes to your accounts, if somebody haven't got his prize, PM me then :laughingsmiley:

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