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The Score in Blue

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Status Updates posted by The Score in Blue

  1. Any site for an Ed avatar would be awesome. It took me hours to find the one I have now. I'll be changing it on New Years though, to mark a new year.

  2. Armageddon is over... :(

    1. jumpingbeans


      Yeah!!.....I mean, Aw, too bad. :(

  3. Back! After how long though....?

    1. khaos


      A since January. :D You're back! (I never knew you... :P)

  4. Bex is my real nickname (first name). Zakuro is the name of the character I have for my avatar and profile picture. It's the name of an anime character. :)

  5. But wait... what plot twist? o_0

  6. Congrats, new HAMS leader!

  7. Cool! So, how old is your Neopets account?

  8. Currently: Viewing Profile Tsubasa Alchemist, isn't that odd to be currently looking at your own profile?

    1. -Ryan


      -looks at my own profile-

      It is. It is.

  9. Do you like um.... Fullmetal Alchemist? I was asking JB, do you get the reference to my username?

  10. Do you Photoshop pictures? I just photoshopped a picture to the size and erased out anything I didn't want. You could always use the same one as your avatar.

  11. Eagerly awaiting the Armageddon Expo

  12. Good on you! I've only played the Usul Suspects, won my first piece this morning :). You've won so many WC pieces, you expert gamer V.

  13. Good! I've watched a bit of Clannad, I'm the magical girl shojo type. So, question, subbed or dubbed.

  14. Good! On holiday now till February so, it's really good I guess. WBU?

  15. Greetings! May I ask, is your avatar Colonel Mustang?

  16. Haha, you plan on changing yours?

  17. Haha! Say will you suggest any anime to watch?

  18. Haha... not really. I LOVE THE squirrel plushie. SQUIRREL PLUSHIE!

  19. Haha... thanks Khaos!

  20. Hello JB aka. jumpingbeans :D

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