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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. Bleach. It's really the only anime I've watched nearly all of. But it's also my favorite.

    Where do I start?


    oooh you guys have given me a couple of new ones to watch!!i could totally watch tokyo mew mew and cardcaptor sakura again! have you watched xholic and tsubasa chronicles? they're made by the same people as ccs, and tsubasa even has syoaran and sakura in it (parallel universe)!!i'm still watching naruto and bleach (had been caught up but i've been distracted for a couple of months so i'm a bit behind now :P)

    xxxHolic and Cardcaptors over link to make Tsubasa Chronicles. It's a completely different storyline. If you like it, try watching Chobits.


    Avatar The Last Airbender. However, some people say it isn't an anime, so it wouldn't count. I don't care, but I love that show.Otherwise, I hate anime, and couldn't stand to watch any of it once let alone a second time.

    Yay Avatar. I need to rewatch that.


    Digimon seasons 1,2,3 (I re-watch them all the time), Haruhi I've watched quite a bit, Gurren Lagann, Durarara, Mitsudomoe, FMA Brotherhood....I'd never watch the mainstream stuff again. Like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, DBZ, Sailor Moon. I'd probably just pick and choose my fav eps.My dad's currently re-watching Inuyasha. I just watched the final arc. Couldn't be bothered to re-watch all the old ones....Now if we're talking manga. Two come to mind: Soul eater and FMA :P

    Definitely Digimon, Gurren Lagaan and FMA Brotherhood.

    I need to rewatch Ghost Slayers Ayashi.

  2. Merry Chrismtas to those whom celebrate it.Happy Boxing Day to the Canidians, the British, the Austrailians, and Austrians if any of them exist here.And Happy Kwanzaa if anyone here celebrates it.I have yet to open any gifts. I've been up since 6 AM, watching the sunrise.

    And Kiwis!


    But no, happy X-mas everybody!

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