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Status Updates posted by Iona

  1. Err... Yooyuball has been ruined. I hate the new one.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Iona


      Meaning people are more than disappointed. Like seriously angry.

    3. khaos


      I know what you were talking about, I was sad that it was an understatement, because I LOVE the new one. Did you notice the :(?

    4. Iona


      Yes I noticed. I thought you put it there because you didn't know what I meant.

      Gah. I guess I'll have another go at the new one. But I probably won't bother playing until the actual cup starts.

  2. My first exam is on Friday *faint*

  3. Anybody gifting the NC Item "Seaweed Bubble Shower"? If so, please neomail me! I don't have any gift boxes so I cannot trade for one, but I'm hoping somebody has one to spare. Thank you!

  4. Ahh I see. Well, it's very fitting for a horror comic. *shivers*

  5. That's great :)

    And, awesome. Californians have such cool lives :P

  6. Wow that's awesome of you. My cousin used to donate her hair too :O It was called "Locks of Love" or something.

    My hair grows quite slowly, I got it cut rather short last year and it is taking forever to grow back :(

    And you surf? I'd love to try surfing but it's not exactly available here.

  7. Heh, I wear my hair up most of the time because I'm lazy. And when I wear it down it always falls in my face and gets in the way. -.-

    I'm sure you'd be able to pull it off :P But you don't have to as your hair looks great down, unlike mine. xD

  8. Hello :)

    Congrats on Super!

    And your profile picture is lovely by the way. :3

  9. Your forums avatar scares me. :(

    It looks freakishly familiar and I cannot work out what it is. D:

  10. I finally have a profile picture X.X

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anisha


      I agree, you are very beautiful. ^^

    3. Iona


      Thanks Prankster ^^, not as beautiful as you though. :O

  11. Iona

    I don't really need one right now but I may take you up on that sometime.

    Thanks (:

  12. Today's Daily Dare is killing me. I just can't get over 3000...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Iona


      Aw what?! So close :(

    3. Iona


      Spritzie managed, she's on 8/8 for AAA now. :O

      I'm stuck on Kou-Jong... the rest I've beat AAA in.

  13. Iona

    Oh yeah! I had expected to find a Dr Sloth one in your Neopian Characters section but was surprised when I didn't. Looking forward to it :D

  14. Iona


    I found your premades a while ago but hadn't realised you were a staffer in these forums. :O Your userlookup layouts are great! And the counters you did for the avatar section on here are fab too. I'm using the Dr Sloth one right now. :)

  15. 12 hours? :O

    Well it's a good thing you have Neo and such to keep yourself entertained :P

  16. I see :)

    Does it involve a lot or do you have a lot of time to kill?

  17. Aah, what a perfect Valentine's present that would've been ;3

    What do you work as?

  18. Cool, I'm interested to see this :O

    & squee, I loove kittens <3

    And are you at work or something?

  19. Aww :) I think it's so cute how cats are all born with blue eyes. And mint green? I don't think I've seen a cat with mint green eyes before :O

    My cat's eyes had already changed when we got her I think. I remember coming home from a school trip at the end of 2000 and there she was, asleep in a cardboard box. She was a surprise :3

  20. She's called Kuching. She's black with a white tum & paws.

    Here's a picture http://i56.tinypic.com/ogvs5t.jpg

  21. I have to agree with you there. I love my cat, but she makes it perfectly clear that she's her own boss. :P

  22. Ehehe, because cats are superior. :3

  23. Yeah that picture's hilarious :) Like he's posing for it by pulling a silly face.

  24. Aah, the pictures of your cats are so cute <3

  25. It was because I changed the setting so that requests needed to be approved. But when I accepted yours yesterday it didn't work. I've taken the setting off now so that it doesn't happen again.

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