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Posts posted by Featherstar

  1. ooh, hard one. x3



    1. Forever and Always - Taylor Swift

    2. (Well, this one's in a different language. A literal translation of the title would be 'the Olive tree')

    3. Paparazzi - Gaga

    4. White Horse - TS



    and the rest, I can't really decide. xD I like a lot of songs. ^^

  2. Eyes blurring from colors? Never heard of that - I shall go try. xD


    And I'm not sure what dark clear is. I think it may have been meant as a semi-joke. I've alwasy thought of it as dark, shiny grey. xD But that can vary between people, I think. ^^

  3. In the TDN avatar checklist, I clicked on this avatar:



    and it said the solution was to go to this page when you've achieved altador cup level one. I got to level one and viewed it, but nothing happened. Then I figured I'd wait a day just in case, and I checked again and didn't get it. Does it mean to view the page when the whole cup is over, or...? I checked for the word 'retired' on the avvie popup, but didn't find one.

    What am I doing wrong? :3


    Thanks! ^^

  4. You only have a chance of getting an avatar WHEN you lose money. So (like stated above) going there with 0np won't help. And it doesn't matter if it drains all your money or not. x3


    Good luck, though! ^^

  5. I remember I forgot what birthday I had put (when I was younger I made the account, and I used to put false birthdays for fun - I was an idiot. xD)


    But they let me get the account back; I just had to describe my neopets, my neofriends, and just tell them the general gist of what was on the account. Good luck!

  6. Please do! xD The more opinions the better; they're all so interesting to read.



    And thanks for the compliment. ^^ It wouldn't be nearly as great if people like you didn't really find deeper meanings; many that didn't even cross my mind when I wrote it! x3

  7. I'd say Dragon Cave, by far. I play both, though.



    Dragon Cave is MUCH more convenient. In EggCave (as mentioned above) all of your eggs, hatchlings, and hard-earned adults will die if you leave on vacation without internet access. As for DragCave, only eggs and hatchies can die, and the adults stay with you forever. The adults can breed, too, and I actually like the art of DragCave better. EggCave has a currency and a trade system as well. I like the trade system (you can trade on DragCave via the abandon page), but I don't really like sites with currencies that much, when they're purely adoptable sites. (Aka; I love Neopets with a currency, of course, but on sites like DragCave or EggCave, I don't like the monetary side of it).


    But anyway - perhaps you could try both if you want, and then choose. But anyhow, good luck finding the rite site! Have fun! ^^

  8. Dark clear. That's an interesting color choice. ^^


    And I really like a lot of colors faded out. Bright neon colors don't really appeal as much to me as colors mixed with white alongside perhaps lighter versions of the same color.

    Not sure why. xD

  9. WOW.


    You guys are really impressive. xD I could never have thought up that much philosophy to talk about that's still relevant to my question. :3



    This is really interesting to read- it makes me rethink my own perspective on the idea I had before I created the topic.


    How could I live with myself knowing that I made the choice to terminate all of those lives? Better to just never let them experience life at all.

    (Of course, the decision to never let them experience life at all would also keep me up at night. But I would find solace in the fact that the bubbles are blissfully ignorant.)


    The thing about that is; I might feel guilty about terminating their life, but their life only ended because I gave it to them. In a way, I'm beginning to view this question from the point of view of a mother (I suppose a human mother - it's easier to relate). A mother that will live for fifty million trillion years, yet whose children have the normal lifespan of a human. Would she give birth to the child? Is she "terminating their life" by giving life to them? She knows that her future child's life will end in a blink of an eye, but she also knows that child would be happy in this world.

    So maybe the only difference between this bubble scenario and real life is the time-scale. So when you have children, you're opening the lid of the jar...

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