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Status Updates posted by Quark

  1. is majorly excited for Christmas! <3

  2. Party Cat is your signature.

    That immediately makes you awesome.

  3. is back and disoriented!

    1. Luciana


      WOAH. I was wondering where the heck you went... Welcome back!!!

    2. -Ryan


      'Bout time. :p

  4. Thanks! And oooo, you're skipping a grade?! Awesome, congrats!

    I would have skipped but our school system didn't allow that for some crazy reason.

  5. Thank you! I now have superpowers like the rest of you! Haha.

  6. thinks you're super duper fantastico.

  7. I've heard of Diwali, a few friends from my school celebrated it, but they called it the Festival of Lights. (Hmmm...)

    Indian culture is gorgeous and full of really awesome holidays heh.

    Hmmm, well most people here know you as Anisha. :p I'm bad with thinking of user names too. TT__TT

  8. :((((

    You're leaving TDN? I agree with CAV, not everything is about Neopets.

    Do you need a Darigan PB to bribe you? Haha.

  9. Oooo so what's the new name gonna be?

  10. Haha, we will pelt the competition with buckets of lava and gears. :p

  11. Heh, thanks and good to know that I'm not seeing things! *rubs eyes*

  12. Haha I'm so jealous of Holi! Just like we'll trade names, how about you celebrate Halloween for a year and I'll take Holi? :D

  13. Negative fifty-eight. :p

  14. Hah, I just noticed the Aisha on the headphones in your avatar. ;) Cuteness.

  15. Awww, but you have that fun holiday where everyone throws colored powder at each other. *thinks* I forget what it's called. Do you celebrate that, because it looks INSANELY fun.

  16. It counts for three points.

    (A raccoon would have been eight. Awwww.)

  17. Holy crap, have I lost my mind or does your avatar slightly move up and down? *stares*

  18. Hah, that's awesome. At least a raccoon or something wasn't inside it.

    ...Actually, that would probably be even better.

  19. Oh man! Outdoors couch! That is pretty awesome. Did you just plant it there (pun probably intended)?

  20. Awww, no fleetfoot. :(

    Now I want to play it some more, but I lent my copy to my friend to play and he's in New Orleans right now, haha.

  21. Iknowrite?

    I usually like RPGs but Neoquest is torture. Walk. Refresh. Attack, attack, attack, attack. Heal. Walk. Refresh. Stick head in blender. Puree.

  22. Yay, I just noticed you Neofriended me! Hello new Neofriend, I am trying to beat Neoquest to get the trophy and subsequently want to bang my head against a wall. It's taking sooooo lonnnnnnng!

  23. Heh heh, thanks. It was Halloween and I couldn't resist! (Even though I was Sherlock Holmes, my friend's boyfriend was Darth Vader so for a while I was erm...female Darth Vader?) :p

  24. Ah, you've changed your username! :p It took me a moment, I was a bit confused at first heh.

  25. Whooo, another Moltara supporter! Heh, I can't believe we came in last. Are you going to support them next year too?

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