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Posts posted by nelle

  1. These are actually the same questions I had! My friend came over to visit and we 'neopet'ed' - both logged on, playing similar games, in the same house... even trying to track down avatars together...helping out with faerie quests...etc.


    *hope nothing happens!*

  2. Drat - well I still got two plushies at low prices! I should have twigged that something wasn't quite right!


    EDIT: And even if it doesn't come with an avvie I would love a draik plushie for my collection. I haven't got one yet. Just got my first Krawk plushie though!



    hahaha.. don't feel too bad - I feel for it too! OOPS!! Although I haven't been trying that hard.

  3. I don't know - I'm atrocious at it so don't even bother looking at it anymore.



    I was really bad too - but it's on my favorites now because I can make the 1000 NPs pretty quickly. The trick was to just watch the little screen in the bottom left corner, and NEVER (!!) the big screen. So much easier. If you get to level 3 or 4, or around 160-170 points you can send score to get the 1000 NP... give it a try, and post how it goes :yes:


    To get back on topic ^_^ : I've never reached 5000, but I've also never seen it higher then 5000, so I always assumed that would be the last level..


    Anyone know?!

  4. The lab ray isn't the best idea. It could lower your stats. Use Coltzan's Shrine, like said somewhere above.


    hahaha... But I WANT it to lower my HP stats :P


    Here, just look at a guide. That one's from JellyNeo and I'm sure there's loads of other ones, but having ur pet's level drop to 1 IS a possibility, however slight. When/if it does happen, it only affects the level, not the other stats~


    Thanks, I should have looked that up for the answer to my secondary questions.. and I guess my first question on 'how to lower HP' has been answered - I can't!


    *The guide has been bookmarked* Thanks again!


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  5. no no no, the lab ray only does that level 1 thing if you get the "your pet loses two levels" and you are already at level 3 or less.



    and i would sugggest making a new pet. I had the same problem, i wanted to train strength, but i was already at 109 hit points. i had to raise it to 55. manually. but i had the np so it doesnt matter too much. look up KingHissMonster or IRSHIMMY <-- account.


    Just to be clear, a pet with the stats (just as an example):


    lvl: 70

    str: 50

    def: 50

    mov: 50

    hp: 120


    won't go to -->


    lvl: 1

    str: 1

    def: 1

    mov: 1

    hp: 1


    by just one shot on the lab ray, is that right?



    ps. your Robot Xweetok is dashing with the new glowing hat!

  6. Regardless of your level, the laboratory can always send you back to level 1...

    So imagine you train your level to 45, and the next day, book, level 1. It could happen, and it seems like a lot of waste to me. This is why I would not zap my battle pet to increase the stats. Too much NPs involved. I'd say that if you are happy with the look of your pet, stop zapping and even the stats. Otherwise, keep zaping until you like the species (or color) and then train your pet evenly. As people already mentionned, you can get stats from the Shrine and codestones form Key Quest and random events :)



    :O the lab ray does that?! *pow* back to level 1 just like that?! I didn't know. Thanks for the massive heads up!


    Does the lab ray set all the stats back to lvl 1, or just the lvl?

  7. I kinda do. You see, I will have a female dressed in female clothes. Then the lab ray will change her into a him. I just leave the clothes on until I get a gender change back. I am not sure if this counts though.


    That's exactly what I've done too! I got the change back though - so they are all dressed - er.. actually - my baby's not dressed at all :P


  8. KeyQuest is a good idea... although lately I've had problems with it - mostly people quitting! :eh: Who knows wHy?! To me - if the games are fast, then silver is just as good! Time equals NP people!!


    Anywho... I'm thinking I might need to hold off on going to the zapper until my stats are caught up - I wouldn't want to be paying 4 codestones to raise lvl 20 stats; :sick01: !!!

  9. TNT is giving out free gift boxes at the NC Mall!


    Gift boxes can be used to send NC items from one account to another. TNT has stated in an editorial before that you can claim free gift boxes on side accounts.



    Go get yours now!


    hahaha.. I guess I posted in the wrong area! I only got one reply for the same topic!

  10. Hahaha! I just realized that your problem mouse_angel is the exact opposite of nelle's. Hahaha! Well, that was really all have to say for this post, since I already gave my advice above. :D


    I know right?!! HAHAHAHA.. :laughingsmiley:



    ps.mouse_angel. Don't raise your hit points so high that you can't raise the other stats at their appropriate level price!

  11. You can go to the Swashbuckling academy which takes dubloons.

    or to the Mystery Island Training school which takes codestones.


    You've probably got a few codestones kicking around from random events, so that could be good way, but I think the academy would be cheapest (I agree with divyadamini, sometimes the training school is cheaper - do some price checking on codestones vs dubloons, in your case, the "five dubloon coin").


    good luck!

  12. Although I don't see the training schools as a waste of money, in this case I'd have to agree with the above.


    Raise your pets level with Colzans shrine too (and maybe their pet day is close for the free training?), as well as the lab ray... Don't know what else you could do really...


    thanks - it is quite a pickle though, isn't it?!! The trouble is that I can't raise any stats until I'm level 45... bah!


    I need to lower the hit points to remain under level 40, raise the other stats (at a fair price), and then keep raising all stats evenly...

  13. What I would do is just wait for the lab ray to raise them. It is much better than wasting np on raising your level at the training school!


    true... but the lab ray just keeps raising the Hit Points and not much else!! I'll end up with


    Level 20

    Strength 20

    Defense 20

    Movement 20

    Hit Points 450+


    hahaha... he'll be a punch bag!

  14. So..

    I've been going to the lab ray each day, and it's been great. The hit points of my pet are in the 90s now. Yippee!




    I've recently been going to the academy to raise level/defense/movement/strength. But I can't raise any of the levels except for level (in order to get it high enough to match the hit points)... but once I get it to 45 to match my strength, I'll be level 45, and have to pay WAY MORE to raise my other stats (defense-movement-strength- which are in the 20s!!)... :crying:


    Any tips/pointers? Is there a way to lower the hit points?

  15. Heh. Not sure. I get bored easily, I guess.

    That and my twin brother teased me for still going on Neopets. ._. But I discovered he played Millsberry for a few years before quitting so I didn't feel so bad about it. (I think he secretly has a Neopets account too) But he'll never admit it. x3


    And thank you kindly for the welcome! ^^



    lol.. he's probably teasing you cuz he's secretly jealous you're going to collect more avatars and gain a multi-million NP account before him :laughingsmiley: !!

  16. But I'm the kinda guy who's born with the unbelievably short temper, so of course I would have a saying such as that.



    sucky. I feel for you. I once had a temper, but then I realized the only person it was hurting was me.. What a waste of energy and life - being mad all the time...


    and... :( now this 1 boy's temper is wasting his life, the life of the girl, and possibly the life of the 'accomplice', not to mention all the friends and family who will be effected...

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