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Posts posted by Envy

  1. I thought I was the only one with mutliplying prizes.. makes me nervous.


    I cannot solve MJB to save my life.. on the other hand, I was quite pleased to see Spinacles and Kou-Jong show up on their list (however, I was not pleased to realize I had to get to stage 2 *3* times).


    I'm at 37/40. Crisis Courier, Magax and MJB.. just not my games.

  2. Hi. I've been reading TDN forums off and on for a while but never bothered with an account.. so I decided I should, since it's better to type the replies than talking at my computer screen.


    So anyway, I'm Linda and uhh, that's all! (Actually I feel rather awkward with introductions but I talk a lot, as I am a typical female..)

  3. I have given up on Meepit Juice Break (meaning I'll try again tomorrow). I'd never even played it until yesterday but it's easy to figure out.. however, 2700 is impossibly far away. I had hoped it would turn out to be an awful typo but no such luck. Le sigh.


    Also, why does it say the reward for Kou-Jong is a Blue Daisy Bracelet? "It has been reported that 'Captain Scarblade Action Figure' is mistakenly displayed as the prize for this challenge. This is probably a glitch." (from the GMC page here on TDN) I definitely got the action figure, not a bracelet.. doesn't make a difference to me, just thought that odd :P

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