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Posts posted by Envy

  1. I did 111k my first round and was like "well that was easy" and then saw AAA's score was 300k.. what, all that for a toilet? I don't think so. Probably not going to really *try* for that lol..


    I end up with more spending points after level 1 on easy so you're able to get things like the 3 way shoot thing, wide shot, etc, sooner on but don't get the points as, erm, quickly.




    Level 1 on easy is 3000+ points whereas you can score 15000+ on hard for the same level (I didn't read the directions very closely so I just spun my mouse around like mad and got lucky. Maybe 300k won't be so difficult after all!)

  2. Check out some of the contests too. I don't know if you have any talent drawing or anything, but both times I've won the picture competition I got pretty expensive brushes. I'd guess the other contests are the same way, when they say they win a "rare item" but I haven't entered any of the others yet.

  3. If I had the choice I would have probably painted a Cybunny (although my opinion isn't entirely unbiased, as my Cybunny is Magma :P). The Chomby looks pretty awesome, though. Either way is a good choice. If nothing else, do them both! One pet a week and all that.

  4. I rather like it. I admit the biggest perk is the SSW but I guess if you don't play much or don't have a need for SSW it might not be worth the cost. The space scratchcards are nice, as are the SHH events.. overall a nice addition for an active player.

  5. There was no other side of Neopia!

    One day last month I noticed there were arrows on the little compass thing and it MOVED THE WORLD. I was so astounded.. I was trying to figure out how to get to all these new worlds that were added and suddenly I realized where they were! XD (This is what happens when you take breaks of several years at a time haha.)

  6. I went back for another visit just to see what would happen, and this is the message I got:


    "Sorry, your Neopet has already gone for a dip in the Pool. If another of your Neopets wants to splash around in there, you'll just have to come back next week."


    Is this the message the rest of you have received after getting a magma pet?

    Yes, that's what it says for me too. However, on my side account it kept telling me the guard was sleeping, I think it was glitched maybe.

  7. People also said they got by with Albot but it didn't work for others. I made 2 of the petpets (Dal and Nik) and wasn't able to get in. I wondered if it was unique to each player - as in, player a has to make petpet x while player b has to make petpet y, etc.

  8. Honestly I don't think there's a pattern. My guard was not sleeping when my friend had his sleeping and I was able to get past the guard on my side account but not on my main. I refreshed for 2 hours straight, every minute and he did not sleep. After going away for a couple hours the guard was sleeping.


    If there's a "trick" it'd be whatever people have done to gain extra knowledge of Moltara to get accepted without catching him asleep. Nobody knows for certain what that is, though, they are all theories that keep getting disproven.

  9. Lol I went to watch Valkyrie, came back and checked a few times.. found the misc gears but no rainbow worm. Checked the pool 5 minutes later and he was sleeping. ABOUT TIME.


    Now the problem is.. I don't have a lab rat.. I don't know if I actually want to zap my mutant.



  10. Do you have to collect all 10 and then they come back?

    I collected 10 last night and went into the cave for the Red Moltite, back to Lampwyck and he said he'd care for them until they were back to full health or something.. but Ninjas came in the night and snagged 'em. What kind of ninja steals worms?


    But yes, if you complete the 10 one day and actually collect the Moltite you'll be able to get them again the next day. At least, that's the presumption.. we'll see what happens tonight at 12am NST.


    (still no rainbow worm.. Tonu does not want to sleep.. why TNT, WHY!)

  11. I seriously hope there is something more to this than being a new daily. I can't see anyone wanting to do this on a daily basis.. I'm waiting on the rainbow worm, this will be the second time I've collected them (curse those Ninjas!) and that's enough for me, thank you very much.

  12. They were wondering if it was related to making a specific petpet as well.. I was lurking off and on most of last night, trying to find a different way to gain access besides catching him asleep (which still hasn't happened on my main account).

  13. I had only the rainbow worm to go, but thought: "Hey, I'll spin the Wheel of Misfortune! Why not?" and remembered why not after my black worm got turned to sludge. Now I'm looking for both the rainbow worm AND the black worm and no luck yet..

    Lol, ouch. If you're going to do dailies it'd probably be wise to put the more difficult worms in your SDB for the time being (pink, rainbow, black, white).


    Although I'd probably go so far as to just put them in my SDB just because.. I don't want to have the misfortune of being visited by the Pant Devil.

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