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Posts posted by whethalar

  1. Really? another Air Faerie quest? *sigh* Doubt I'll get the FFQ, but can somebody help me find "Pink Glittery Soap"??


    littleflower57 Pink Glittery Soap 1 8,950 NP

    silvair_x Pink Glittery Soap 1 9,000 NP

    lisa_inwood Pink Glittery Soap 1 9,500 NP


    don't really think it's worth it. but just my two cents worth. ;)


    Usukicon Y9 Attendee Badge, please! ^^


    patagonian Usukicon Y9 Attendee Badge 33 4,499 NP

    castor924 Usukicon Y9 Attendee Badge 1 4,500 NP



    Hi! Here's my quest for the day:

    A Water Faerie sniffs and says, "You probably won't help, but I need Mops Throughout the Ages for my studies. I can't tell you why."




    tonichie Mops Throughout the Ages 5 2,100 NP

    suja09 Mops Throughout the Ages 2 2,449 NP

    fannytee Mops Throughout the Ages 1 2,899 NP



    Can someone please help me find a Uncle Tharg? ^_^ Please and Thank YOu


    schezan Uncle Tharg 2 2,000 NP



    Another Air faerie quest. This time for JubJub Cotton Swab. Thanks in advance for helping :D


    Also what is a FFQ?


    _phantasy2368_ JubJub Cotton Swab 3 9,700 NP

    silverstellar JubJub Cotton Swab 2 10,000 NP

    southernmagic JubJub Cotton Swab 5 11,400 NP


    not worth it imo. FFQ is a quest by Fyora if I'm not wrong. Not sure what it exactly stands for though. Perhaps Fyora Faerie Quests.

  2. thanks whetalar...

    I got the item already.. :)


    but still thinking too expensive for an air faerie quest though :(


    thanks for helping me :D


    no problem :)


    i wouldn't have done it for an air faerie quest though with that price.

  3. Thanks so much! My pets speed was increased, which isn't bad, but I'm hoping for better.



    Speed is actually useless in battledome so air faerie quests are actually pretty useless. but i still do them anyway because they are cheap.

  4. help me please..


    Acara Compact Blush




    borys11 Acara Compact Blush 1 3,002 NP

    10million_fireflies Acara Compact Blush 1 3,999 NP


    I'm after a Usul Plush and Gumball Gift Set if anyone can help?


    jenichu_gurl Usul Plush and Gumball Gift Set 1 70,000 NP

    villainforhire Usul Plush and Gumball Gift Set 1 90,000 NP

    amethyst_dragon33 Usul Plush and Gumball Gift Set 1 99,999 NP


    Could someone help me find Green Eye Shadow?



    malissa__89 Green Eye Shadow 3 140 NP

    maltas_girl Green Eye Shadow 1 140 NP

    malukete_4 Green Eye Shadow 1 140 NP

    manda4156 Green Eye Shadow 1 140 NP

    manuellamaison Green Eye Shadow 1 140 NP

    marih_anah18 Green Eye Shadow 1 140 NP

    maririb Green Eye Shadow 3 140 N

  5. With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Faerie Kyrii Kite. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."


    Any help would be much appreciated. :D



    giggles314 Faerie Kyrii Kite 1 70 NP

    gobifire Faerie Kyrii Kite 1 98 NP

    giann1234567 Faerie Kyrii Kite 1 100 NP

    tittilo Faerie Kyrii Kite 1 100 NP

    tasha_08 Faerie Kyrii Kite 4 195 NP

  6. Good day, generous helping people. :) Could anyone help me find Scorchio Mage for the Light Faerie?


    alachat Scorchio Mage 2 1,100 NP

    winnie98gz Scorchio Mage 8 1,150 NP

    jayjay10__73 Scorchio Mage 5 1,300 NP

    wetwilly3403 Scorchio Mage 3 1,300 NP



    can someone help me find Spiky Tales

    i really appreciate it :D


    didihihi Spiky Tales 1 2,000 NP

    derrick_luv_u Spiky Tales 1 2,075 NP

    daadeee Spiky Tales 1 2,379 NP

  7. Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me Glug Glug Jones, kind Neopian."




    drstevenson1958 Glug Glug Jones 3 1,890 NP

    dicedude Glug Glug Jones 6 1,999 NP


    good luck :)

  8. jenergy,

    nativesweetie Sling Gun 1 925 NP

    ashiningstar33 Sling Gun 1 950 NP

    amandasadler Sling Gun 1 989 NP


    siemis, tears of the water faerie turned up no results for me D:


    edit: the trading posts are around 120K for tears of the water faerie. good luck.

  9. Can someone help me find Poogle Firefighter Jacket?


    I worry it's going to be expensive since it's for Fyora. =P



    6 in stock here at 75K:



    1 in stock here at 77K:



    well, it doesn't seem too bad ;) hope you have enough money in the bank.

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