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Posts posted by whethalar

  1. If you guys are really losing every single battle, is there any point in healing back to full health by battling the easier opponents? Why not just heal to a few, go get squished by the big guy, heal, get squished, etc.? It would save you half the battles. I know it can't be pleasant, but in previous plots/wars, losing didn't give you any credit. You guys have the opportunity to get max credit (if doing your part = max credit) and potentially qualify for the best prizes. All by doing 230 1-round battles. (Plus your faction is probably helped by having more people do their part, as well as by overall victories.) If you can't afford the cheapest healing potions, try to buy the more expensive ones at the healing springs every half hour; selling one should get you enough to buy 7-12 of the ones you need, and we do have ~3 days/wave. It's doable, unless you're really time-constrained.


    sounds like a good plan but sigh neopets plots and events always seem to coincide with my exams though :( would fight 230 losing battles too only if I had nothing better to do. :( :(

  2. It worked out to be too much for me to go back to the Healing Springs every half an hour to buy Essence of Everlasting Apple for 250nps a time. (trying to get my bank balance back up) Plus I just don't have the time (or a laptop at the moment), to spend pretty much all day losing and having to wait 30 mins to heal. And I'm not buying it at user shops, over priced, so I'm out. ):


    i just heal a few hit points from the cheapest potions (maybe around 10) and fight the easiest challengers so that the war auto-heal heals me back to full health. saves me all that money.


    but i'm not gonna bother losing 230 times. this wave is too hard for me :(

  3. can't understand how to control the ball with the keyboard controls for the life of me! D< anybody has any tips? my best score so far is a 2-2 draw :( don't laugh.


    on another note, moltara's doing better than last year hooray!

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