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Posts posted by redtopaz

  1. gro_cheese_sponge.gif

    Cheese sponge.

    Thank you in advance!

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  2. Well.

    Wally is QUITE the coward.

    Literally. I went away for a week and came back with a haircut and all he could was circle and cry and cry.

    When I say cry I mean meow at the top of his lungs but interspersed with little hiccups because he was trotting.
    Meowing magnifies his snot production so by the time we were reunited in peace he reminded me of a toddler that skinned their knee.

    Alas I love him. And he loves to talk.

    I'd always attributed the black spots (that were slow to develop by increasingly are more prevelant) to the two all black littermates he had.

    The scroll of knowledge was the best I could afford. I tend to use the golden compass and scarab in in tandem since they attack and defend, against anyone with less than 60HP.

    And because I haven't acquire anything that blocks fire and physical. (Yeah I'm really new to this. lol)

    If you can find it I would be really grateful!
    And give that koi it's whatfor!

  3. Thank you very much. The Frozen Wand of Crystals seems handy enough - I mean I'm not playing at a high level right now. I think I'm level ... 39 or 49 and I'm working on my endurance. I just need to get more familiar with battledome if I have any hope of being cool at it by the end of the year.
    But I have NO water defense and a Koi can kick my behind and I find that reaaaaalllly annoying. I have parchment cloak, golden compass and scarab ring. Depending on who I' m fighting. And the scroll of knowledge. So I'm like. A mis-matched player.

    Also that is the esteemed Walter. Walter Henry Kay to be exact. He's my two year old stray doing what he loves, getting between me and my book. lol
    Does your curious Orange or Eggy have loads of tiny black dots spotting their nose and gums? Wally does.

  4. Hey I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of an item that gives decent water defense? Also really hoping that it's dual use.

    I have a mixture of items right now that are from the TDN guide of intermediate and beginning battledome players but I'm having trouble fishing out how to search by battledome opponent i.e. what should i know about my opponent and what's the best offense and defense (I always google the name as of right now) and I can't seem to find a weapon that is dual that includes water defense.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Lymphnodes all over my body are swollen.

    My sister died of leukimia. It started happening a few months before she passed. I've had a battery of tests, including one very very painful biopsy.

    It's a physical manifestation of my worry and grief. As is I suppose the facial numbness I have, because a year later my mother had a stroke. And this started happening a few months after she suffered a series of TIAs.

    So. I think I know what you're going through to a certain extent. I'm overall healthy. Minus the fact I'm overweight and a heavy smoker. (Be healthy peoples!)

    I believe, since I spent a great deal of money and time worrying, that my issues are anxiety related. My brain is healthy. No nerve issues. Not blood test has show anything and I've refused anymore antibiotics since you know, the first two rounds didn't work.

    So yeah. Your surgery was super scary. Your illness is stressful. I think you need to find ways to deal with it emotionally.

  6. Sorry for the repost, but a little help? Don't want to get lost up there.


    You didn't really mean to help me, did you? *sigh* I thought not.[/size]


    You are supposed to bring me:[/size]


    Shenkuu Firecrackers



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  7. The Towers of the Sunset by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

    Classic fantasy. But it's really awesome.The first bit's quite confusing. So if you muddle through you find the wonder of how he/she developed religion and norms and the characters.

    And also The Strain by Guerillimo Del Toro. Just started yesterday since I finished another book, Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper - and am now mid-way through this Towers book, so when I finish it later, I have something else to start on. And then to the library Monday! :)

  8. So many things factor into all that. I mean you can have a relationship with someone because you're infatuated with how they look/style/coolness (which imo is all physical/shallow.

    And then you can also overlook someone and then want to talk everyday with them and pick their brain because you find them, the way they think and react, beautiful.
    But you MIGHT not have a relationship with them because your body doesn't respond to that, or their hygiene is repulsive or you pity them for a disability or something.

    The same goes for the latter, you might be jaded and see a gorgeous man/woman and just, skip them. Even if your hormones protest.

    I'm all about a combination of both.

  9. Nope. My mother, sister and some other women I know read them.

    And imo it's titillating sexy stuff with oodles of emotional abuse.

    Plus I mean, ugh. I rich, gorgoeous self made billionaire that can fly his own stuff, and is still young? But never seems to work? Or atleast so little there's 3 books about their relationship. If that guy wanted all that double standard stuff. I think he'd just hire em.

    Now I love me some fiction but if I'm going to read romance it's NOT going to be something that reads like the 13 year old girls fantasy man, with patriarichal/rape culture bones, and Disney Princess perfection.

  10. Whew.


    I was like, there's a whole new set of rules?!



    OH MY GOD :D ! This gotta be my lucky day - please help me:



    The Fountain Faerie glides up to you. "Hullo. I don't suppose you'd find me Snow Grarrl? It's ever so important."



    These are the two I see-





    But I don't have SSW so. You might wanna wait for someone that does.


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  11. I can't seem to access my neodeck from my user look up? So is there another way besides buy and card and hoping I don't have it in my deck?

    Not that I have that many but still. I'm kind of befuddled.

    I wish I didn't have to make a new topic just to get this question answered. How embarrassing. :*

  12. ENFJ
    Extravert(22%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(62%) Judging(1%)
    • You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (22%)
    • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
    • You have distinctive preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)
    • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

    Ugh every time I take this test I'm like... I don't like myself.

    And I know I've taken it before. But I can't remember. Especially when younger it'd be different because I would have answered the questions of how I WISHED I was instead of how I am.

  13. After reading all of this I'm saddened I've never "maxed out" a game.

    Admittedly I only started playing the AC a few days ago- when I decided to take interest in neopets again, as I do every couple of months - But still. I just want to get out of the beginner rank.

    Plus I want the HW to win. I always do man.

  14. My peophin is my favorite, she was my first creation (at such a tender age, lol) and I just invested most of my NP in getting her books etc.

    Later, I adopted a Xweetok, and my sister a few days after I made an account adopted a Wocky. I like them all, but I only send my peophin to battledome or really invest in her. I've changed as the years have gone by, and I've done SOME things with the other pets but... Now I feel guilty. Dang it.





  15. I haven't been able to see the 7th season of Doctor Who yet, either. D: I'm eagerly awaiting the Netflix release of the episodes.


    It's so awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Netflix, as much as people hate on it is pretty great imo.


    I have the Doctor's gallifreyan name as my background. >.> I really need to watch the older Doctor's. My father LOVED the show. I have a picture of him holding my in a very 1980s Dr. Who shirt. :P

  16. I have it too but all I have to do is place a Soldier in the top corner by the flower and it'll look like its attacking nothing but really attacking the one bad guy that's not being attacked by the others.

    I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks for the idea. :)

  17. I bit until 2 years ago, when I was 24.

    I pretty much just started taking care of my hands in general. Every night I use cuticle cream to have stronger nails, I carry a nail clipper in my purse, car and next to my bed so if I DO snag I clip it.


    I pay a lot of attention to my nails. No, it's not as viserally satisfying as peeling and destroying my nails but I don't want to be embarrassed by them, and you know, GERMS.

    I still keep my nails quite short. They are very thin and fragile, but at least a few days of the week I'm doing some sort of treatment/giving them attention. It's replaced my habit in that.


    Oh and I actually was chipping my bottom teeth from my voracious habit so you know, that also helped me quit. I have dangerous looking bottom teeth.

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