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Posts posted by Quin

  1. Okay, soooo I started playing Neopets about 6 years ago, and played for a few years, then took a long break. But before I took the break, I had gotten a Random Event saying something like "The Faerie Queen whispers 'There is a sale at the Hidden Tower!'". Yeah, I know.

    So I remember that I went to the Hidden Tower right away, and everything was only 20,000 NPs! (it might of been 25,000, I don't remember). But the clincher is that I only had 16k with me T_T

    Anyways, I researched this, and haven't discovered anyone else EVER getting this RE.


    Comments? :D

  2. Sell. I think Galleries are kinda pointless, especially if they're too broad. I think just candy is fine. Save the money for something else- maybe a krawk, or help some struggling member out with their dream pet and do something nice (:


    Lol, personally I think Krawks are a bit overrated... I would like a prettier pet. No offense to you! And thanks for the advice :D

  3. Hi guys, I have been collecting any kind of food for a loooong time, but especially candy and baked goods. But I have realized the impossibility of creating a gallery (my ultimate goal) of all the foods in Neopia :P So I've already sold all my non-Baked and non-Candy items.

    Currently my gallery is dedicated to candies, but 'm not sure if I should make another gallery/combine it with Baked stuff. I'm getting attached to all the baked delights (many of them gourmet foods), but... My gallery is kinda big, at least according to my standards, and it's getting quite costly to upgrade it's size.

    So, opinions wanted! Should I sell the Baked stuff, or keep collecting it?

  4. Anime?! :D

    Anyone read the manga or seen Fruits Basket (Furuba)? I used to be IN LOVE with that! I spent about 3 hours online looking for a fan site dedicated enough for me xD

    Oh and the movie Spirited Away is awesome!

    Hmmm, does the movie Totoro count as anime? lol It's so cute!

  5. I have been playing Key Quest for 2 weeks my stats are

    Keys Earned: 30 23 0 1

    Keys Unused: 0 0 0 0

    and the 5 best prizes i won are

    1. cloud pb

    2. speckled pb

    3. speckled pb

    4. treasure map piece #8

    5. treasure map piece #6

    my question is this, what else can you get, can you get other pbs, or mabye the secret lab map pieces?


    Yeah, you can get other pbs--I've gotten a Starry one'-- and yep, secret lab map pieces also. I got one that I sold for 150k :D

    It's so much luck though. I've earned about 70 35 1 0 keys (gold, silver, bronze, lead, respectively) but have only received one pb and one slm piece :/

  6. A few trips to kelp, recklessly attempting to get the Bon Appetit avatar. Dx I blew almost 200k and I didn't get a single leftover.


    SAME HERE! After spending 200k I just gave up in defeat. I guess we'll never get that Bon Appetit avvie T_T

  7. Wow, some big spenders here ;)


    Just got back form the auctions and spent another 1.5 mil on ANOTHER Purple Poogle mp... I named my first one wrong so I had to buy another one!

    Not sure if this is the right place, but is anyone interested in my Purple Poogle? (It was created today, so the stats aren't good or anything). Neomail would be a better way to reach me! I just want a good home for this pet.

  8. Ohhh haha. Nevermind then :P


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  9. A month or so ago, I bought a Brown Moehog Morphing Potion (16K), then 2 hours later I got a Fire Moehog Morphing Potion for 750K LOL (yeah, I used to brown potion :( ). THEN a week later I bought a Usul Transmogrification Potion for 150K.



    Lol, why don't you try selling some of those pots?

  10. This same exact situation happened to me! It took me a little over a month to get my birthdate and account back. You just have to remember details, especially trades I think. If they need more info, they'll send you back an email telling you to reply with more info. BUT! Don't reply, they won't answer you back. Just report your issue to them again, with the additional info included. Good luck!

  11. Hi, i can't access the NC mall cause it's not available in my country. So...is this legal to change proxy to access it and get the free NC gift, or buy an NC mall item with my free NC?


    I'm pretty sure it's legal and I'm also pretty sure Neopets allows it (since it's not fair that only some people get the freebie!). Also, someone else on the forums was talking about that... And I don't think they got frozen or anything. So go ahead!

  12. Thanks, now I just gotta try to recover my old account's birthday. :/


    Heh, well gl with that! I just went through the same process, which took me 3 emails to Neopets (plus the wait time in between) AND trying so hard to remember details about the account. But I got it back :D So don't worry!


    And about restocking...

    TONS of people go to the Food Shop, so it might be harder to get things there. But don't go for items that cost 2500 because those are almost always a loss (in that store). I don't end up buying much from there, but what has proved to work well is buying things that are under 1000 NP and there being usually only 1-3 in stock of the item. Also, BUY NEGGS! The regular brown Neggs might not be worth your time, as the resell value is so close to the price you buy them for, but other neggs (Pink, Green, etc.) are definitely worth it!


    Gl with your restocking career! ;) And feel free to neomail me if you have more questions

    (My username is quintuple_09)

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