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Status Updates posted by Luciana

  1. Finally completed Neoquest. Hooray!

  2. Now I'm a wizard.

    1. khaos


      Can you put the sunglasses on the wizard!?? Please!?! :(

    2. Luciana


      It's time to move on.

    3. khaos
  3. Only a month until a new laptop. woo hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Luciana


      Yea I ended up choosing a Dell Inspiron 15R. It was cheap and I just need something to play neopets, flash games, and do work on. If I ever decide I need something with more power I'll just build a desktop computer :p

    3. Angeló
    4. khaos


      ^*presses fake thumbs up button*^

  4. oh god I am going to have to do some kind of search through my pixiv bookmarks list, then. I need to know who drew that picture ahhhh!!!

  5. I don't know how I feel about this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jumpingbeans


      Ryan says I feel awesome about this.

    3. -Ryan


      Those sunglasses feel awesome about this.

    4. khaos
  6. Why is your avatar so familiar??? Where did you get it from? It's killing me. ):

  7. Woah!!! I saw one of your posts on the forums and I was like "Wait, she's a mod!?"


  8. Lookin' pretty fly, Doc.

    I like your hat.

  9. Thanks. Your art is very pretty, too. I voted for your pet in the BC. Good Luck. :)

  10. By the way, that Darth Vader mask picture is awesome. <3

  11. Haha! Yes. My avatar moves slightly. :-P

  12. haha. Thanks ^^

  13. Thaaanks! ;D

    ohh my art is on your profile. I feel special! <3

  14. Cool, we're birthday buddies! :-D

  15. haha oh man I worded that pretty terribly, didn't I? I'm not talking about you. I know your goal is to have a big post count, but you're not spamming to get there. You make a lot of good/relevant/helpful posts. I don't hate you.

  16. Most yea. But they all come and go pretty quickly. There are still some people on this forum I think only post half the time because they want a big post count. But oh well. There's nothing we can really do about posters like that...

  17. Some people on this site still make some pretty terrible posts that could be considered spam, but suddenly it isn't because it's more than 7 words long. I don't agree with the rule but w/e.

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