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Posts posted by Fishie

  1. Just keep refreshing, it's all down to luck. Some people get it in 1 refresh, others are not so lucky. You should take some breaks in between the refreshing so you won't punch a hole in your monitor.

  2. I would have to say Edna's avatar. I would agree with Lever of Doom, but that all changed once I got it. But all those random avatars are up there on my list as well, such as Snowager and Scalawag from Buried Treasure.

  3. I don't think petpets do anything in Battledome. They are useful for Petpet Battles (a game), Petpet Lab Ray (for avatar), Symol Hole (avatar and free items/neopoints) and Turmaculus (avatar/free items/other stuff). Since Petpet Battles is a game, you can get a trophy for it. But I think that game is purely luck.

  4. Since it is random, its just down to luck. A tip is to not click the "Close and Refresh" button. Instead, on the popup, just hit F5 on your keyboard to refresh. This acts as you playing with your pet with the item. So just mash F5, if you are not doing so.

  5. Um, check your Neoboards preferences to see if you have the avatar. If you don't have it, I suggest sending a Report to TNT and telling them your problem. I'm pretty sure that once you use a Nerkmid, it will tell you that you can use the avatar, because I saw my roommate use it and he got the avatar. Unless you have both avatars already.

  6. Yeah, you should check the Battlepedia. It should have all the information you need. A few that I know are Slumberberry Potion, H4000 Helmet, Moehog Skull, Magical Marbles of Mystery and Sloth Approved Hair Gel. These are only a few and these are non-species specific. There are a few species freezers that are a bit cheaper than these since the ones I mentioned are fairly expensive, Magical Marbles of Mystery going for around 8M NP in Hidden Tower, I believe.

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