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Posts posted by Zac

  1. Hey everyone!


    It's Zac. I used to be really active on these forums a couple years ago and now I'm seeing a lot of new members! :D Anyways, I'm an avid Neopets player, and I recently started development on what is hopefully going to be a really sweet off-site Neopets-based plot called The Mutated Moach. It involves a moach (of course!) who undergoes a horrible mutation and it is the users job to transform him back and capture the culprit. (Metroid, another TDNF user, deserves most of the credit for this awesome theme!) The plot is based in Mystery Island and its structure is actually based on the 'Where's Ian?' plot TDN threw a while back with a completely new storyline!


    Designing a plot is actually pretty difficult, and, going through some users posts here and on the Neoboards, I've noticed a lot of discontent with some of the newer plots on Neo. So what do you guys like to see in a plot? Anything in particular regarding the puzzles or activities or storyline? I really want to make this plot spectacular.


    Also, while I'm at it, if you are a fantastic or super member interested in helping out with this plot, just shoot me a PM. Specifically, I'm looking for puzzle and dialogue writers, but if you also know PHP it would be awesome if you could help me out too!


    So, leave me a reply with your ideas, or just stop by and say hello! I'm interested to see who all are still here from my days at TDN and I always enjoy meeting new members!

  2. My first pet was a yellow kacheek from way back to 1999. Im not sure what his name was, I was young at the time and just entered a string of random letters. My first account has been in Iceland for a couple of years now :(


    Ahhh... good times. :D

  3. Ahh, pokemon. :) I really haven't touched my games in a while but my team for D/P is currently Salamence, Gengar, Blissey, Rhydon, Flygon, and Skarmory. Unfortunately, they are only in the 80s because they are EV trained, and that takes a lot of time and patience.


    My favorite games are definitely Gold and Silver Versions. I loved the world combinations and I thought that it was a lot more fun to play after beating the Elite Four. Seeing the new Kanto rocked!

  4. It's not broken, but it isn't loading or its very slow because of the increased traffic that the mall is getting. TNT always runs into these probelems whenever they release goodie bags or plots.


    Just check back later or at a time when less users are on. (around 12 NST - 4 NST)

  5. Hmm, so what's up with the Calla and Terra eggs? D'you think think they are so incredibly rare or just not released yet? Personally, I'm going with the latter, but you never know. ;)


    I'm looking forward to seeing the Terra egg evolvutions, though. :)

  6. Thanks a ton for posting this, AA! :) I always see forum members make the mistake, and even though I overlook it, there is a major difference.


    Script-kiddies really, really irk me. If anyone ever sees someone that claims to be an uber-hacker or whatever, please know that they are really a moron. (heh, I like that term) A real hacker wouldn't claim to be one, just an enthusiast who enjoys programming just for the heck of it.

  7. I started playing on January 3, 2002. (Yes, I remember the date :P) Unfortunately, I've played on 3 accounts. I've been frozen twice, and I lost my pass one time and couldn't remember what birthdate I used. =/


    What I really hate about starting over an account is building up your account's age. You can't get any decent lends with a 2-month account...

  8. Meh, I hate it. Not only did they completely massacre Neopet's history in an attempt to not mention Adam or Donna, they also integrated more ads into the page. I also think that the asparagus thing is kind of cheesy. The only good thing is that the prices seems to have gone from 11 mil to 9 mil. Too bad I already got it. :P

  9. Good luck to everyone who applied as well as the new trial staff! Being on the TDN crew is a really enjoyable experience (with lots of perks). If you think you have a shot you should apply to whatever position you like the most. Except for mod, LOL. I think I had to wait 2 years before I had a chance to apply.

  10. Yeah... I'm starting to get a bit muddled on why they sell for 30 million myself. I never thought it could be possible to put that much on 1 trade. Unless they set up trades for the rest of the Neopoints...


    Since it's only possible to offer 800K on a trade, the more expensive and/or rare items are found in the auctions. But yes, some specific Neopets items (especially BD equipment) have been spiraling out of control. The candychan, turmac, and krawk petpets are blown-up examples of this inflation. The secret lab map also has been inflating as of late. :( It used to be around 50K total. I remember I bought my first set for 120K. It seems that TNT is working on bringing the price down, though. We can only hope they do the same with the candychan.

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