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Posts posted by StuckInSanity

  1. It Won't Be Long - The Beatles


    Love the song, but I find that if I listen to it too many times in a row I feel the need to sing the "yeah (yeah!)" bit to myself every time I say something. Like, "I want some food, yeah (yeah!), yeah (yeah!), yeah (yeah!)" or "I lost my coat, yeah (yeah!), yeah (yeah!), yeah (yeah!)". Which leads to me annoying everyone around me. Including myself. :P

  2. ^ I got that one on my third or fourth try; sorry it's taking you so long!


    I got the Lenny Conundrum avatar today! I wasn't sure whether or not I'd get it because it was only my second time entering the conundrum and the first time I wasn't fast enough. Now I just have to hope I was fast enough today to get a shiny gold trophy instead of that stupid silver one. :P

  3. Bonju doesn't really bother me since no one has it. Plus I've still got plenty of avatars left to get before I start worrying about each individual one.


    But the Lever of Doom one is really annoying me. I spent about 10k on it one day and then gave up... Now I'm just pulling it 10 times a day. I figure I'll get it eventually. Plus throwing away 1,000 neopoints a day is a lot less frustrating for me than throwing away who-knows-how-many all at once. At least this way I'll be able to forget how much money I actually wasted on the avatar. :)


    It also annoys me how many retired avatars there are that I'll never get. :(

  4. The "get a flat stomach" ad I just saw on TDN. It was seriously the most horrible photo-editing I've ever seen. It looked like it'd been Photoshopped by a blind monkey! Now I'm wishing I'd taken a screenshot of it because of how much it made me laugh.

  5. o_O You have some stingy parents...

    I think it was more a matter of them being surprised to come home to a pitch-black house and then getting annoyed when I told them it had to stay that way for the next half hour. They told me it would make no difference in helping the earth, I told them it was about making a point, etc., etc... My parents aren't really the type to get behind that kind of thing. So then I decided to be immature and tell them they were setting a bad example for me, and then proceeded to sit in my room in the dark until Earth Hour was over. Which I'm sure didn't help things at all with my parents, but whatever. :P


    And, dragonkitty, I'm sure they wouldn't expect people to completely turn off the power to their house - no need to shut down the refrigerator and have to reset all of your clocks! I did keep my computer on last year, though. I just unplugged it from the wall and let it run on battery power. Which kind of felt like cheating, but I did it anyway. ^_^

  6. I tried to do this last year. It worked for the first 30 minutes until my parents got home and turned all the lights back on. And then got mad at me when I tried to explain the whole Earth Hour thing to them. <_<


    But I'm pretty sure my parents will be gone until nine this Saturday, so I'll just have to observe my Earth Hour 30 minutes early. :)

  7. ^^ That doesn't sound too bad to me, but only because the celery would probably just taste like chicken. I'm okay with celery being cooked into meals, as long as I can't taste it.


    Unfortunately, the taste of cinnamon is pretty hard to cover up. We bought these lemon Girl Scout cookies, and they'd actually be good if whoever created the recipe hadn't decided to include cinnamon in it. Who mixes cinnamon and lemon? :sick01:

  8. It's working fine for me... I wouldn't know if the videos play or not though because I've never actually watched them before. :P I do know that it gives me Neopoints, though.

    The only thing I can think of is to make sure you don't have an ad-blocking program enabled on your browser. It took me a while after I first installed one to realize that was what was making Adver-Video not work for me. But I'm not exactly the smartest person in the world. ;)

  9. Lol I actually like all the food you mentioned on your list, though if there was one food I really couldn't bring myself to eat it would be celery

    Oh yeah, that reminds me. I also hate celery. I had a bad experience with celery about six years ago and have hated it ever since.


    I do really like mint, though. I don't know if I've ever tried toothpaste that wasn't mint flavor, but it sounds pretty nasty to me.

  10. That my little brother bought me jelly beans when he went to the grocery store today. And that he shared some of his Skittles with me after he "accidentally" ate all the jelly beans on his way home. :D


    And that my doctor's office has decided to start ordering saline/Heparin with the nice caps and the plunger/handle thingies (there's got to be a name for those, I just can't remember what it is) that are actually easy to push, like the kind the home healthcare service used to deliver before our insurance company decided to deny our coverage... retroactively. Stupid insurance company.

  11. I have too many favorite songs. :)

    But my top five favorite songs of all time (in order from fifth to first) are Feeling This by blink-182, Hey Jude by the Beatles, No Worries by McFly, Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen, and Blackbird by the Beatles.

  12. I hate raw carrots, they just put me off

    Ha, I'm actually just the opposite. I like raw carrots fine, but cooked ones gross me out. They're just all mushy and... ick. Same with green beans. I like them uncooked, but cooked they're nasty to me.

  13. I actually like mushrooms and most seafoods, unlike the majority of you guys, it seems.


    But I despise cinnamon. Everything about it - the taste, the smell - disgusts me.


    I also really hate the taste of artificial orange. Real oranges are fine, but I hate anything that's been artificially flavored to taste like orange.

  14. Well I've got a Mac, and while I use both Safari and Firefox, I definitely prefer Safari. I do like how Firefox handles opening a very large amount of tabs, but there are a lot of little things about it that annoy me. Plus I think Safari handles Flash better. But if Mozilla and Apple were ever to work together, they could create create the best browser ever... But I'm just dreaming.


    However, my brother's got a PC and he tells me Safari's pretty awful on Windows. He likes Firefox.

  15. I'm Kate. I started using TDN/NeoAvatars about a month ago, but have just now gotten around to making a forums account (I could've sworn I made one earlier, but I guess that's just my memory sucking again :P).


    I first joined Neopets back in 2001, when I was eight years old, and was pretty much addicted until my account got stolen. Anyway, to make a long story short, I joined Neopets again about a month ago out of sheer boredom and then basically got addicted to collecting avatars... heh. :D


    So that's about it. I feel like I'm too old to be on Neopets, but, eh, whatever. :P

  16. I meant to thank you for this a few weeks ago but I forgot and only realized today that I didn't even have a TDN Forums account! Anyway, I tried several times to heal the Vaeolus using the method discussed in the TDN guide, but to no avail. However, this method worked for me on my second try. Thanks so much! I have no idea how long I'd have spent trying to get past that part if it weren't for you. :D

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