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Posts posted by StuckInSanity

  1. My bank interest said it was 1% lower than normal, but when I collected it, I got the normal amount.


    Also, does anyone know when, exactly, the avatar might be available? I'm not sure how much longer I can stay awake. :P

  2. I've been going every day for the last month... no luck so far, but I'll hopefully get the avatar eventually! I'm lucky if I can even match the amount of Neopoints I spend on The Coconut Shy each day. Occasionally I make a few hundred Neopoints, but I almost always leave with less NP than I started with.

  3. I signed up using the name StuckInSanity, which is also my Neopets account name.

    Also, I bought some cToons and customized my cWorld. Is that enough to be considered active, or should I do more than that?


    Good luck getting the rest of those referrals! :)

  4. LOL@ gigantic x-stitch of shetland sheepdog...


    I haven't actually done any x-stitching like that before... I tend to do lots of fairy's, I've also done some alchemy dragon's which are adorable - here are some of the pics of what I've done



    don't mind the coffee stains on this one, my cat thought it would be funny to tip over my mug with his tail... yet to wash it before hanging!!


    and this one I'm still working on:



    Wow, those look really good! That's generally the size of the projects I start but never finish. Though I'm actually feeling a bit inspired to cross-stitch right now, maybe I'll break out the Sheltie... if I can even find it. :P How long does it take you to make something like that?

  5. I know my brother is a big homophobe, his reason to not allow gay marriage is that he doesn't want other guys hitting on him.

    My brother's against gay marriage too, but he thinks being gay is gross and unnatural. He says he doesn't understand how anyone, guy or girl, could be attracted to guys. Whenever the topic comes up, I try to explain to him that he has no right to judge others or decide what should/should not be legal for them, nor does he have any valid reason why he opposes gay marriage - just that he thinks it's disgusting. I've heard him and his friends talk, and their ignorance is amazing to me. I mean, he's only 13; he'll hopefully become less ignorant as he gets older and more mature, but still... I certainly wasn't that ignorant when I was 13 (and I'm not just saying that because I'm older and don't remember how I thought at age 13 or anything like that; I was 13 just two years ago).

  6. I got the Cap'n Threelegs avatar today. I finally got my pet to a high enough level where none of its stats were more than twice the level.

    I also got the Smuggler's Dubloon avatar the other day; it took a while, but I was inspired after beating AAA at the Daily Dare.

  7. Sorry it's taken me so long to post here; after I crashed at 6 AM a few days ago my sleep schedule got even more missed up. Plus I ended up missing my class that day, so then I got behind and had to make up the class over the weekend, which is why I haven't been on here since then. I'm really sorry if I seemed rude!


    I've had homebound tutoring since November of 2007 and it's not bad - I really like being able to stay in my pajamas for class (I'm so lazy :D) and not having to wake up at 5:30 in the morning (though that wouldn't even really be possible for me right now because I've been sleeping 15-18 hours a night since I got sick, so if I was in regular school I'd have to go to bed before school even let out in order to be awake for the next day!). Plus I only have 12 1/2 hours of school a week - 2 1/2 hours for each class. But having 2 1/2 hours of class in a row, one-on-one with a teacher, every day, can get a bit intense, especially when I'm feeling really bad. And yeah, I've had the same experience with getting in trouble for getting ahead in class. But when a class is easy for you, it just gets really boring. Like last year, I was taking Algebra 2 honors, but when I got sick they were unable to find me a homebound tutor and I had to drop the class. So I'm taking it again this year, except I'm not in honors (they wouldn't let me take honors since I started out the year in homebound, unlike last year). So now I'm in an easier version of a class I've already taken half of and that was easy the first time around. I'm bored out of my mind because it's so easy, plus I'm annoyed that I'm going to have to take a math class during summer school once I'm better just so I can be on the right math track again. Sorry, that turned into a rant too. :D


    They really should have a modified Plushie Tycoon for people who are sick/on a bad sleeping schedule so that they get a fair chance. My Plushie Tycoon time is set at 6 PM to 1 AM my time, and some days I'm awake during those hours and some days I'm just not.


    I'd definitely be more annoyed by ads if they weren't so amusing to me. I just scrolled over the word "recipe" and I got an ad that said "get bipolar disorder symptoms, treatments, and facts". Google Adsense ads can be pretty good too. I've seen everything from "Make Money Online - this is to [sic] easy it should be band [sic]" to "Hey You Debt Man-Woman! Make money online!". And occasionally I'll be on a website where a pop-up window (why is it that there seem to be so many that get around my pop-up blocker?) will open and I'll get one of those annoying messages that make you confirm you want to leave before it actually lets you close the window. The other day one of those opened and the message that appeared when I tried to close the window was "Wait, don't go! Put your message here!". :laughingsmiley: Ads are pathetic. Infomercials can be pretty entertaining too. A month or two ago I saw this funny parody of those ridiculous snuggy blankets. I don't remember exactly how it went, but it was something along the lines of, "Tired of using regular blankets? Do you struggle when trying to figure out how to put them on? Are everyday tasks like answering the phone now impossibly difficult?" Your tomato dicer infomercial exaggeration made me laugh. :laughingsmiley: Sadly that's exactly how most of those informercials are. I have to wonder how many people are actually stupid enough to pay ridiculous amounts of money for completely pointless objects.


    Ah, I'm confused by all the pickles! In my mind there are only two types: the ones that are cut lengthwise and that go on the sides of hamburgers, which I call dill pickles, and the circular ones that go on hamburgers, which I'm not even sure I have a name for. :D I think we might still have a jar of dill pickles from when I was craving them a couple months ago, so if I can find them I'll have to look up a recipe and fry some.


    It's nice to meet you too. :) I've added you as a neofriend, and again, sorry if I came off as rude for taking so long to post here! I'm sorry about your first account getting hacked! Back when I first played Neopets, I was pretty young, so I wasn't focused on avatar-collecting or anything like that. I was more upset about the loss of my pets. I actually cried when I found out my first Neopet had been pounded and replaced with a Neopet called "Dungypoopoohead". It all seems incredibly stupid now, but, like I said, I was pretty young. Though I'm about 95% sure my account was stolen by my real-life best friend at the time who was also a big Neopets player. I haven't seen her in about 5 years, but I'd actually really like to ask her about it if I can figure out how to contact her. I don't care about revenge or anything like that, I'm just really curious. I always suspected it was either her or this one friend she had... How long had you had your account before it got hacked? Oh, and your name's Kate too? Cool! :P


    I absolutely love The Soup too. It's been my favorite show since I first discovered it two years ago (though I do occasionally find myself struggling to decide if 24 might be more amazing than The Soup sometimes... They're both such awesome shows; it's too hard to choose a favorite!). Joel McHale is amazing, end of story. I'm not a huge fan of Disney movies (I do still like the classic ones that I watched as a little kid, but all this High School Musical crap they're coming out with nowadays is kind of depressing to me), but I do love Finding Nemo. It came out when I was 9 years old and I liked it so much that I ended up going to see it twice on its opening weekend. And now, six years later, it's still one of my favorite movies. Plus it's just one of those movies that's really comforting to me. It always cheers me up when I'm upset or sick... I think I watched it about 10 times when I was recovering from surgery last summer. :laughingsmiley: And actually, Finding Nemo did save me from bombing a French quiz a few weeks ago. We had to translate sentences related to car vocabulary, and I couldn't remember the word for "to follow" for the life of me. Then suddenly I remembered the scene from Nemo where Jacques tells Nemo, "suivez-moi". Being obsessed with a Disney movie actually came in handy. I also love travelling, but unfortunately haven't gotten to travel as much as I'd like to. I've never even left the country, unless you count this one time when I went to Canada for about an hour to eat dinner. :( But I'm hoping I'll be able to start travelling more once I'm better. All I'll need is some money... :P


    Yeah, I've actually been surprised how many people I've seen on Neopets who are (or at least say they are) my age or older. In fact, I think most of the members of this forum are older than me! I guess I just feel too old for Neopets because I was so young when I first started playing it. But at least now I'm able to enjoy things I didn't know/care about when I was eight, like Plushie Tycoon and the Stock Market.


    Wow this post ended up being long... heh, sorry about that!

  8. ^^ Yeah, I've been cross-stitching off-and-on since I learned how to in 7th grade Home Ec. I'm still not exactly good at sticking with it, but I do have one project that I go back to when I'm in the mood to work on it. It is easier for me take on something like that, where it starts looking good right away, rather than a knitting project that involves doing the same thing over and over again. Even if a scarf or an afghan is more practical than a gigantic cross-stitch of a Shetland Sheepdog. ;)

  9. I wonder how long it would've taken me to notice the new Terror Mountain if this topic hadn't been posted. :laughingsmiley:


    I like the new look, and I agree that Neopets places could definitely use some makeovers. I don't really remember how everything looked seven years ago, but the only place I've noticed as being different is the Haunted Woods... Before they start making over all the places, though, I think they really need to take the time to go through the site and fix all the grammatical errors. I know most of the kids who play on the site probably couldn't care less about that kind of thing; I certainly didn't notice them when I was eight, but, wow, they're annoying to me now. :D

  10. That's a really nice throw! I'm very impressed; I certainly wouldn't be able to make something like that. How long did it take you?


    Back when I was 9 or 10, my mom taught me how to knit and I made a few scarves (which I actually still have and wear on occasion), and a couple of years ago I bought a scarf knitting kit and ended up learning how to pearl too. But I get bored of things pretty quickly and the scarf that was part of the kit never ended up getting longer than about six inches. I think it's still on the floor of my room. :P


    A good friend of mine, though, is really into knitting. I have no idea how many kinds of stitches she must know, but the things she makes are really impressive! She's made me a couple of scarves, and even a toy for my dog.


    Actually, now that I think about it, I think my mom taught me how to crochet on a two-day car trip we took two summers ago. I don't remember any of it now, though, just that it involved twisting the crochet needle thing around... I think. :D

  11. Ha ha, that email cracked me up. :laughingsmiley:


    I haven't read this entire topic, and while this is something I could rant about for a while (this was one of our writing assignments this year in English too, so I think I've still got an entire essay on why I support gay marriage somewhere on my computer), I'm pretty sure everything I could say has already been discussed, leaving me with nothing more to contribute other than to say I agree with you, Lazycrazykitten - while I'm straight, I can see absolutely no reason why two people shouldn't be allowed to marry each other, just because they're the same gender.

  12. I'm sick too, so I've actually got homebound tutoring instead of regular school right now, and thankfully my first class tomorrow isn't until one in the afternoon. This is my first month playing Plushie Tycoon as well, but I started about halfway through the month, which gave me enough time to make some money. You can set your time zone in the game, but after that you can't change it. So I guess that wouldn't really be a problem for normal people, but for people like us, with awful sleep schedules... :P The game is actually quite simple once you get the hang of it. These three petpages really helped me learn how to play.


    Yeah, this time when I scrolled over "Neopets", it was an ad for a weight loss plan. I usually make a point to look at those ads, though, just because it's so amusing to me how arbitrary they are.


    As weird as it sounds, I'm actually starting to crave fried pickles, despite the fact that I have no idea what they taste like. :laughingsmiley: I'm assuming you use dill pickles? Or is it those other kind of pickles that I can't remember the name of but that you put on hamburgers (what are those called?!)?

  13. Wow, I never even knew about that! :O

    The Maths Nightmare ratio is so high now! You can literally get 1,000 NP in less than 30 seconds!


    Edit: Wait, so these ratios are actually going to stay like this, at least until the 25th of next month? Because I just timed myself at Maths Nightmare and it only took me 20 seconds to get 1,000 neopoints. That's awesome! :D

  14. ^^ Yikes, that sounds painful! Hope you get well soon! :)


    As for me, I've been chronically ill for the last year and a half... I won't go into details, though, because I get sick of always sounding like I'm complaining whenever I talk about my life. <_<

    I will say, though, that I thought my digestive problems were over after I got my gallbladder removed last summer, but now it's looking almost certain that I've got some type of food allergy/intolerance, most likely celiac disease. Don't pretty much all processed foods contain gluten? I can deal with being sick, but not being able to eat Goldfish, cookies, bread, cake? :crying: I need my fooooood. :P


    Edit: I think just to torture me, "processed foods" was underlined in my post with one of those rollover ad things. I put my mouse over it and this picture of a huge piece of lasagna appeared. That's just cruel. :ohno:

  15. I haven't checked to see what's on TV, but I'm sure there's nothing worth watching. My sleep schedule's awful right now too. I woke up yesterday at midnight, went back to bed sometime around seven in the morning, woke back up at four in the afternoon, napped from six to eight, and now I'm up at five in the morning. And I actually have class tomorrow, which is... bad. Neopets is quite addicting, though Plushie Tycoon is pretty hard to play when I never know when I'll be awake. You should be allowed to change your work hours.


    Also, this is completely random, but you know those ads that appear when you scroll over underlined words? Any idea why you get an ad for "Local Post Offices" when you scroll over the word "Neopets"? :laughingsmiley:


    Oh, and I'll have to try fried pickles sometime. Is that even something you can buy at the grocery store?

  16. ^^ I feel the same way about Flash. I've managed to get a basic understanding of both Photoshop and After Effects, but Flash is really frustrating to me. I understand expressions well enough to use them in AE, but trying to master ActionScript for Flash makes me want to smash my head into the keyboard. I know I probably should slow down and start with a basic tutorial, but I hate having to do that. :P


    Anyway, something little I appreciated today was getting an ad for a driver's ed website in the mail. I'm not in driver's ed right now because I'm sick and not actually going to school (which sucks because I'm old enough to actually have my permit now. :grrr: I will forever be bitter about this.), but all of my friends are learning to drive and getting the ad kind of made me feel special. Even though it also kind of rubbed in the fact that I don't already have my permit. But it still made me feel good ^_^.

  17. ^^ Are you on a Mac? Flash in general on Macs just isn't that good. I believe Adobe's to blame for that. I was a little disappointed with Safari's ability to handle Flash (it's not bad for me... but it's not amazing either) so I switched to Firefox, only to find that it was way worse. At least now I appreciate Safari, though.

  18. It's 4:30 AM where I am too. Not quite sure why I'm not in bed yet. I'll probably find myself downstairs rummaging through the fridge if I don't make myself go to bed soon... I think we've got a can of frosting in there. Pretzels dipped in frosting are so good. And I've never even heard of fried pickles before. :P But talking about food is making me pretty hungry. I'm not sure whether or not it's worth it to go all the way downstairs for some food though. :D

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