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Status Updates posted by Ashbash

  1. Spinacles score being reviewed by staff. This always makes me nervous.

  2. Determined to get this new avatar.

  3. Finally got things fixed with my premium! Ugh. What a hassle.

    1. Rebecca~


      Oh yay! I'm glad you were able to get it fixed. :3

  4. Just realized when I got my dice a roo avatar I also got a trophy! Happy days.

  5. Glad I just tried to restock my shop while on a faerie quest. . . whoops!

  6. It's almost my birthday!

    1. hrtbrk


      Happy Birthday :D

  7. I'm honestly about to give up on this dice a roo avatar. :(

    1. Rebecca~


      :( You'll get it eventually! I know it's super frustrating though.

    2. Ashbash


      I sure hope you are right! lol

  8. I just realized I've forgotten to check out the lenny conundrum for the last few weeks. :(

  9. New Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ashbash_B Follow me please!

    1. complicatedwishes


      only just seen this. I followed you :)

  10. On a plane right now headed to Florida! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashbash
    3. Shiny Vulpix

      Shiny Vulpix

      Great!I'm not alone!I am at Las Vegas,I went on the air plane and then it went to San Fransisco, and then we drove to Las Vegas.

    4. Ashbash


      Cool, have a good time! :)

  11. The lab ray changed my mutant Aisha into a Faerie Aisha! Very happy right now! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shiny Vulpix

      Shiny Vulpix

      wait...wasn't that darigan?

    3. Shiny Vulpix

      Shiny Vulpix

      and congrats!and maybe now its disco.

    4. Ashbash


      It was mutant. The Lab Ray changed it to faerie and then the next day the lab ray changed it to disco.

  12. Ugh seriously my Aisha is so ugly right now. I just want the lab ray to zap it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hrtbrk


      If you don't mind spending a few thousand neopoints, you can buy a Turnip Tonic and feed it to her. It will turn her into a basic coloured aisha (red,blue,green,yellow) I also just morphed my labrat into a mutant aisha for the avatar and couldn't take it and did this cause she was so uggo LOL

    3. Shiny Vulpix

      Shiny Vulpix

      LOL.And you want a magma aisha like mines?*might need to wait next week,cuz this week(or might mean TODAY) is when ispreno gets her magma cybunny!

    4. Ashbash


      Oh thanks for the tip hrtbrk! I might just do that lol.

  13. I'm ashamed but I think I just became a fan of the Jersey Shore

  14. I'm ashamed but I think I just became a fan of the Jersey Shore

  15. Currently watching WWE's Over the Limit PPV! :)

  16. Thank you! :)

  17. I know your comment is from forever ago but I haven't been on here much. My username is actually after the wrestler Randy Orton. Although I've heard a couple Beth Orton songs and she is really good too. :D

  18. Hey, just wanted to tell you your inbox is full now!

  19. Thank you for the Birthday wish!

  20. Thank you for the birthday wish!

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