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Everything posted by hrtbrk

  1. Valentine Food
  2. Coconut Food
  3. The NC Mall's birthday celebration is coming to an end - but not without a final piece of cake. Head to the NC Mall to claim yours for free now. CLAIM NOW
  4. The time has come to join your favourite team for this years Altador Cup! Doing so will also award you with some plot points. But you better act fast as signs up end soon.
  5. Brand new Summer Dyeworks have hit the NC Mall. Enjoy these refreshed looked until August 19th.
  6. Burlap Stamp
  7. Ice Stamp
  8. Visit Coltzan's Shrine for an all new avatar to add to your collection! Check Me Off Your List
  9. The NC Malls birthday party continues on with another free cupcake. Feeding this cupcake to your pet will increase its strength by 5 and will give a special NC item. CLAIM NOW This cupcake can be redeemed on your side accounts.
  10. The Altador Cup press tour has begun and is introducing a brand new team, Dacardia, alongside teams Brightvale, Darigan Citadel, and Virtupets. What team are you joining for this years Altador Cup?
  11. Chapter 2 of The Void Within has released, and it has us fighting Void Shade in the Battledome or volunteering our time in the Neopian Hospital. Participate now to earn points towards the final prize shop! VIEW OUR GUIDE
  12. Last years Altador Cup Prize Shop is closing on July 7th to make room for the next tournament. Please spend any remaining points.
  13. It's the NC Malls 17th birthday! Head there to claim you free birthday cupcake now! You are able to claim these birthday cupcakes on your side accounts. CLAIM NOW
  14. Marble
  15. New Daily and Weekly prizes have just dropped including some brand new paint brushes, petpetpets, morphing potions, stamps and more! CHECK OUT OUR GUIDE We are still collecting data. Got a prize we don't have? Tell us!
  16. TDN welcomes you to the month of July! Links: Home | Battlepedia | Customisation | Items Database | NeoAvatars | Forums This month, we have these events: Flotsam Day on July 3rd The Ixi arrives in Neopia on July 11th Tuskaninny Day on July 12th Kiko Day on July 17th Peophin Day on July 26th Ruki Day on July 29th The Discovery of Meridell on July 30th Other things to do: Dailies | Monthly Freebies | Faerie Crossword | Pet Transfers | The Void Within
  17. Mosaic Toy
  18. Food
  19. Polka Dot Food
  20. Maraquan Plushie
  21. Meridell has completely turned grey - including The Grumpy Old King. Is the mysterious person who was lurking over Brightvale responsible for this? Get caught up on Neopets' upcoming plot, The Void Within now.
  22. With the release of Neopets upcoming plot, The Void Within, on June 17th, The Daily Neopets Forums have gone grey. If this theme does not suit you, you can always revert back to the previous theme you were using by scrolling all the down to the bottom of the forums page and picking the previous default theme which was titled Shift. You can keep up with the latest plot news on our Void Within forum or check out our guides for full coverage.
  23. Candy Toy
  24. Toy Food
  25. Strawberry Faerie Food
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