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Posts posted by Mimii

  1. Aww, I used to have a dachshund named Mojojojo. I miss him terribly still. :(


    The best part of Mojo was that if you jingled keys he would FREAK OUT and start jumping around and if you dropped the keys, he would take them in his little mouth and start running around in in our house (it was kind of a circle.. the whole house went around in a circle. o_O ) and he would not stop.. I mean for HOURS.. if we let him. Same effect when we said the word 'Go?' with a questioning tone. He expected keys next.


    He liked to LICK, too. He could also sit there and lick your arm for hours upon hours. It was some comfort thing with him. Your skin would be raw and he'd still be licking it. Ohh boy I miss that dog.

  2. Answers:


    1) HATE IT. I almost always get some smarty butt little butthead (lol, sorry!) that acts like anything I say is idiotic. The sad part is it's always someone different acting that way!


    2) REPORTING FOR NO REASON! I don't understand this at ALL. Is it because they are jealous of you? Overzealous?? WHAT?!


    3) Definitely would NOT recommend the boards. It's like a place for people with no lives (most of them, not EVERYONE obviously) that go there and single out others, making them feel bad so they feel more important. And TNT does nothing about it!




    Sorry, I have a major thing against the boards on that site. <_<

  3. When I'm at the NC mall I always think about how much the pixels cost in real money.. but I guess I never thought about the fact that it's just pixels and I don't get to keep the 'object' if something happened to my account or to neopets...


    Yes, I was so outraged when my account got frozen for no reason and I had about $300+ invested in it. I think that might be one of the things that sped up the unfreezing, thank goodness.


    I was excited about the new game challenge and was going to buy NC tickets.. then I saw the price. 200 for ONE game??? Are they insane?? If it's something I must have (I'll look on another site to see what it is first) then MAYBE. Cmon Neopets, you're bleeding your paying customers dry here!

  4. I am selling a Night Stone (TCG). This is the image:




    It is valued at about 6mil NP. I really need the money to get Kadoaties! I am willing to trade it straight out for a kadoatie or add NP for a colored kadoatie (depending on the rarity of the brush). Or sell it for 6mil. Or trade it for other easy to sell items.


    I REALLLY need to sell this, please please PM me if you are interested or go to the trading post I made:




    Oh and I forgot, will give discount if you need it for your trading card set. :)

  5. I have this Faerie Lupe Plushie and so far..


    None in shops.

    None in auction house.

    None in galleries.

    One other one (other than mine) in the trading post.


    I have no idea how much it is worth or anything!! Do you think I could get a lot for it because of this? I am trying to get Kadoaties now for my collection and that would be sooo cool!


    Faerie Lupe Plushie


  6. The layout isn't centered right, either. ;( Can you please post the CSS here or PM it to me? It will be a lot easier to diagnose with the coding.


    Also to see what your layout will look like in other browsers, go to http://browsershots.org . I always go there when I am coding a new layout. :)


    You could consider splitting the background css up, instead of grouping it and see if it works better. Or host your picture somewhere else (Tinypic for example) and see if it's still blocked in IE.


    Is she using CSS shorthand? (E.g. background: #FFF url(image.gif) repeat-y;) If so that doesn't change in Internet Explorer. I don't know if Neopets does something the shorthand, though. Shorthand works in everything I've tried on Neo.


    Ok, edit: I see what Xepha meant about spacing it out. That shouldn't have an effect on it though. ;( I looked and found the coding and it's kinda jumbled. XD It doesn't seem to be wrong in any way so perhaps what Xepha suggested about another host would be a good idea to try.

  7. You need to call the local police first of all. He is harassing you to the point where you feel "endangered" and that's against the law. You can also get a restraining order and I believe that applies for online activity as well. No need to change your identity over this, just ask for help.


    Don't ever let someone treat you this way or make you feel helpless. If he does, he is winning. You must be stronger than this. You can do it. :)

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