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Posts posted by DESO

  1. Because I make chocolate professionally in real life, I love to collect chocolate on neopets.  I know.  I'm lame.   :) :) :)


    I have an insane amount of chocolate in my shop and SDB, and I feel like sharing the holiday joy.  


    Leave a post in this thread and I'll give you a chocolate.  Will I give you chocolate to match your active pet?  Will you get something fun and minty?  Scrumptious and peanut-buttery?  Or something delicious and milk chocolaty?  I don't know, but we'll find out soon.   :D


    ETA: I'll give away the chocolaty gifts on Dec 24, so get your comment in before then. 



    A very thoughtful gesture  :woot:


    I already indulged in your shop, but just for the unofficial tally here I thought I would add my fave chocolate. That is any chocolate with fruits/ jellies, nuts & a peanut butter/mallow filling. I seldom like chocolate without an accompaniment, I'm just not the  "chocolate purist" as many I guess. 








  2. Currently: Men & Machines by Draper


    Previously: ( Members of the Danish National Chamber Orchestra playing Tango Jalousie while eating the worlds hottest chili peppers. The orchestra is conducted by Chili Klaus - a Danish Chili Pepper enthusiast.

    Unfortunately The Danish National Chamber Orchestra closes by the end of 2014. )

  3. Exactly. It's not feminists I hear making snide, condescending comments when I'm changing a tire on my car, moving heavy objects, or simply holding the door open for a man (because apparently common courtesy is threatening to their masculinity?).



    The bewilderment is with all messages there is no uniformity is there ? ... like a religious sect you have different flavors of feminists and some people with their individual personality perceive them as distasteful over the others.


    I had an experience with a self-described feminist that had a problem with marching bands. She wanted to shut them down for being sexist. That "shove it in your face" dogma with the potty mouth princesses also is among the latest example of nauseating charades to say the least.


    When it really is about "all humanity - male and female" ... I'll be more in tune with this "common courtesy" that is bandied about.

  4. I would have much preferred something like 1500 NC & 100,000 NPS, :woot: but it's really more than what I really cared about... I just wanted things to get resolved to pre server move which created a "symptom" - eggcave ...


    The meepit is just a bit of neopets humor & trading post filler as far as I'm concerned.


    I think I did manage to send a ticket a couple days ago about this but when I tried to check the progress over the weekend I noticed that I couldn't access the information or indeed anything related to reporting issues, so don't know whether that actually went through or got lost in the depth of the internet somewhere. ...there seem to be quite a few people venting their frustrations on the offical message board so I would think the issue is known to the team by now.


    I was able to with no problem ironically enough. The response was relatively quick too... just under 12 hours ... even if it was more of a generic response ... -



    (9/26/2014 5:28 PM PDT)


    Thank you for writing in!

    We're working on getting these transition issues hammered out so we appreciate the feedback!
    Please bear with us as we work through these.
  6. I was able to submit scores successfully with all of my games I routinely play the first day of the fall scores galore, before that only Tunnel Tumble worked. As of today only Tunnel Tumble & Mootix Drop allow me to successfully send scores.


    The timing of the scores galore is just bad timing.. why ? :S

  7. I was given Inderal for my panic attacks when I was sixteen ( 30mgs ), after about 6 months my doctor at the time increased the dose to 60mgs ... I've had circulatory issues as of late ( I'm 29 ), ... but I don't think that is the Inderal, which has been more helpful at decreasing my symptoms than other medications more conventionally used for panic disorders/anxiety. It also helped my blood pressure ... lol... I seem to get benefit from other things than the what the medication was designed for like with klonopin it relieved my tinnitis 2mgs a day, any more I would sleep all day.


    I've never had a headache that was bad at all, especially into the migraine classification. 10 mgs seems such a low dose ... maybe it's the migraine dose ... I've always listened to my body more than a doctor though...


    It's difficult to find a doctor that "thinks outside the box" ... it's like an episode of "mystery diagnosis" lol... especially with doctors and staff looking at a patient with a "psych history" as I do... it's real easy to dismiss it as "anxiety".

  8. Weird, it was linked to a blog not a minute ago, haha.


    I got it, thanks :) Will probably be a while, have a few things I need to do the next few days.



    Yeah, I edited the invalid link, ...


    Not a problem waiting ... TNT has taught many of us about waiting ... a few days, few weeks ... that's instant delivery compared to them ...

  9. :worried: I can't access the image, I get an access denied error. Could you possibly upload it to imgur or tinypic please?

    The photobucket link doesn't work ?


    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please keep your posts at 7 words or above.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

  10. Will see to it when I run out of things to do! Also taking more requests - please entertain me, I need the practice xD



    ( Signature )


    I would be interested in your creative touches to a scrabble-block-grid style signature like this -



    - I want those words included, with an edit to "philia" being replaced with "phileo" ...I don't like the red, I'd rather Orange, Silver/White, Blue, and/or Black be incorporated ... I'd rather you use your creative and artistic discretion for this : -)


    The dimensions I like to be the same as your signature, unless there is something about your approach to it that you see is a must that would prohibit that.


    "refine" behaviors? you're implying that they did something wrong or that they let themselves get exploited. they did something in private that is not inherently wrong and then put it behind a virtual locked door which a criminal broke into. if a burglar broke into my house and stole my tv, i wouldn't have to apologize for having a tv.




    - As with many things that are criminal we always leave something to exploit ... how we prepare in our own context of life and idiosyncrasies does determine how the experience is managed short term and long term. I have not met anyone who felt they felt at any time no amount of danger or vulnerability, but having the physical and emotion strength from beneficial approaches identified by them/us internally is a great sense of "defense" as well as "offense".


    - You never apologize, you learn, and fortify your life in the ways that makes sense to you ... no apologies would be given to the burglar ... but I would reflect on what I could proactively do ( without encroaching my choices on others living civilly ) to prevent the access/exploitation points in my own situation and overall life... whatever that was/is.

  12. a few days ago 200 celebrity pics were leaked from the iCloud .. what do you think about that ?? are we really safe online ?? :O


    I think this is a circumstance to introspectively refine some behaviors as well as provide another lesson for traversing this medium of communication that is not another life detached from reality, but a part of life in the avenues of our reality.


    I think Alexandra Daddario's tweet ( http://i.imgur.com/SBzq2D3.png ) is refreshing and indirectly highlights her personal responsibility where she takes ownership of what her personhood will encounter and minimizing the availability of such exploits ... you have to prepare yourself, you set the scene, choose the content .... don't expect the greater sum or "other consciousness" to serve you... you serve you, before others subsidize and define you.





    As with all property... I think the owner has the responsibility to see it sail off in whatever potential the owner sees appropriate. ... just as with people who choose to include children with media and those who don't... you can't let criminality/fear/agenda take the wheel of your choices and prerogatives of free will and expression for YOU ...

  13. I know the reality of skepticism kept many from even inquiring further, easily dismissing this as another scam, even with the word of management, that's how those with devious intent ruin it for those who are sincere, which for one person who has now been selected by the number generator will find out soon, if the person claims the points within seven days ....


    I really appreciate all those who entered, even though it wasn't even 25 people ... and even more in the consent by management to allow this under "good faith" ...



    Take Care,



  14. Yeah, that's what I thought too, like it was some college class. You guys can all rest assured that it's safe, I mean Ian personally vouched for this. And anyway, who cares about a 14-year-old's opinion on politics and religion anyway?


    Btw, if I win, I wouldn't mind if you posted it here :P



    lol, not even with Ian's endorsement can I get the benefit of the doubt, ... time will give me my credibility, especially with the challenge of "if I follow through" ...I'm a passive guy, but very stern, and when I say I'm going to act, I mean it....


    I'm going to now watch the cards beat the squeelers :P :laughingsmiley:

  15. So political it made you wonder if he was working for the government, blacklisting people and/or selling your survey questions to some pay-per-survey site?


    Yea I agree.



    LIFE IS POLITICS, LIFE IS RELIGIOUS/BELIEF SYSTEM, you give the impression that I have left already, I got one late survey request after 11 pm my time last night, I am not accepting any other's ... when I get the response or after the 12 hour time limit I have placed on it to respond I will enter the assigned numbers into the number generator site I am using ...


    You will know when I have notified the winner, by me saying so tomorrow FEB 2nd, but not by specific name of course.... then you can consider this finished, and I will step back as a lurker, if not , I'll then leave...

  16. Since I'm caved in here with all the snow here in N.E. Ohio, I figured this would be a great time to remind everyone this is the few days before I turn to the number generator and decide the winner ...


    For the one who does win, after 7 days from the date of notification it is not redeemed I will use the number generator again and a new winner will be selected [ if needed ] ...


    The winner will be announced in private message, to help with potential unwanted attention/ begging <_< :D :sad01_anim:





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