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Posts posted by DESO

  1. What kind of people become Neopians ? - It takes all kinds, and like life Neopets is a microcosm, like a monopoly board quelching the desire for personal fulfillment and communication in the human experience as with non-human. Dominant categorical patterns will be observed by both the individual and collective perceptions like any thing else. You may not want the label or slot, but you will get them nonetheless.



    I started playing in the late summer of 2004, just before my 19th birthday,I'm now 23. I'm planning on leaving, but to be honest I'll probably still come back weekly, monthly etc to do the quick-routine items like the dailies and to donate/trade some on the trading post.


    What attracted me to neopets from my personal direct vantage point, was that it did fit into my intrigue, curiosity, etc for stats, and simulation type games ie: Rollercoaster Tycoon, and even the Tomagotchi I used to have that was all the craze, that had to be actually banned from my middle school I attended at the time. Even though having the device did make me and other pupils function better/focus better/relax etc , therefore perform better on tests, exams, academically overall.


    I have been professionally/medically diagnosed with OCD, ADD/ADHD ( inattentive type ) , agoraphobia and due to that isolation my psychologist said I have a sort of "feral autism" borne from my isolationism.


    My sexuality has been questioned for playing neopets lol, I've also been called a sexual predator etc ad absurdum , it's amazing the hysteria one can encounter, yet when admit I loved Garfield and Friends most of those same people will say oh yeah that's a classic, me too et cetera ....



    My overall description of myself and my interest is: An ever-onlooking and observing student of surroundings of popular and unpopular constitutions;direct and indirect immediate and infinitely extended perceptual cognizant visibilities of states in perpetual metamorphosis as well in dynamic lethargy.

    Interests: Jehovah God,Human Relationship, Religion/Spirituality/Paranormal,Music,History, Past Times, Classical and Traditional Artistry, Geography, Animals.


    That's the type of personality in I , that Neopia has attracted b) :* ... and personally I do find nothing comforting about the strictures put in place by the neopets team, but considering the very real corporate mentality that owns it, I realize the moves they must take in this spacious gameboard of life. I hope I do not violate any rules here in this post, I am even anxious and grossly introverted online hehe :* , I can often be overly verbose and too provocative overstepping those "hidden" lines in expressive democracy *ahem*



    I would say, especially as of late, the functions I would adhere within my participation with the game did become/has become more burdensome ... but I would say that my mental distresses overall online and offline have become further complicating, otherwords it's not soley just neopets but countless other variables and degrees to them.



    An old spirit existing in the present,

    J. R. E .L .

    " DESO " short for DesolateSibilate [ forsaken hiss ] ...

  2. Can the management confirm this?

    Before anyone gives away any information, remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    Be wary.


    For those who are sincere, like me, online is a difficult place to practically demonstrate that sincerity... I have gotten responses, and will continue to encourage as many until the 30 days, as I don't want to drag this out too long , I want to get it over with and leave neopets ... a standard 30 day window makes sense and seems fair enough, especially due to the hesitancy from many as the many people with devious intentions ruin it for those with generous spirits ...


    no "good deed" goes unpunished :wink: :rolleyes_anim: o_O


    _______REMINDER_________ b)


    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Do not double post.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

  3. The winner will be decided by a number generator site I use, assigned to those responding when they reply back to my questionnnaire ....


    I am leaving neopets, and want to give away what I have left after donating through certain guilds, I have 1 MILLION NP's remaining ...


    My ideal is to take responses for 30 days, and I would like to have around 50 or so responses ... hence February 1st is the deadline


    I want those who are serious, as with your responses to the Questionnaire, I want you to PM [ Private Message ] me stating your interest here at The Daily Neopets forums ... in addition with any further questions, comments, or confusion.


    - I realize the skeptism, I have talked this over with management and got the green light, this is not a scam - As a last resort, If I don't get any responses, I'll just buy up 1 Million in items [ Books, Codestones, Defence Items etc ] and give them away for "free" in the trading post... :woot:

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