Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play]
Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play]
2. glubgar
3. bib
5. tag
7. web
8. neovia
10. two
11. airax
13. acres
1. ruki
3. bbq
4. bite
6. armin
8. nova
9. one
12. rock
What other event was being done in corrdination of Altador Cup III?
Answer: Neovision
Prize: 305 NP
Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play]
Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play]
3. tag
5. alton
6. lamp
8. bite
11. sink
12. fortune
13. art
14. advent
1. campfire
2. ant
4. ham
5. acres
7. arkmite
9. nova
10. mud
Who is in charge of capturing Petpets to be sold at the Rock Pool?
Answer: Flotsam Hunter
Prize: 501 NP and Flotsam Treasure Seeking
Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play]
Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play]
6. alton
7. gormos
8. tag
10. two
12. fortune
14. toy
1. ball
2. negg
3. acres
4. ant
5. nova
9. arthur
11. art
12. fyora
13. eraser
Where would you find the Springy Things Shop?
Answer: Roo Island
Prize: 352 NP