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Everytime I try to load a Shockwave neo game it crashes before I can play it due to a shockwave error. For example when I try to load Hannah and the Pirate Caves and Gourmet Club Bowls the following error appears:



This Shockwave movie has errors that have caused playback problems. Please contact the author of this content regarding this problem. Shockwave is unable to continue.


I get this error while using Chrome.. But when I try to load the games on Firefox I get no error, just a grey screen.


Does anyone have any suggestions of how to fix this? I've already tried updating shockwave.



P.S. I would have posted a screen shot of the error, but couldnt figure it out :sad02:

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These games don't work for most people. There is a workaround that I've used to get into HatPC, but then I can't send my score. Likewise, some people have managed to get into Gourmet Club Bowls (I haven't). There are issues with most of the Shockwave games, sadly. :(

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Unfortunately, the shockwave games just suck.
We have a possible workaround here: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/neopets-games/gourmet-club-bowls


For your information : This game is not functioning at all for the majority of players. Here is a trick that has worked for the Chrome browser:
Step 1: Load Hannah and the Pirate Caves. Click to play and let the game load.

Step 2: WHILE HatPC is still open, bring up the Gourmet Club Bowls. Remember to keep the Hannah game up while you're doing this.

Step 3: Click to play GCB. (Hannah is still open)

Here's where you have to play around with it a bit. I've had Club Bowls load the first time using this method. Other times, the error message pops up. If it does, click ok then reload the GCB pop-up play screen. RELOAD. DO NOT EXIT AND CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN. Repeat until the game loads. The most tries it took me was 4 the first time. Other times, it has worked the first try, or second try, but it can also take a few more tries. I'd say give it 10 tries, a few more if you're patient enough. From the people who have tried it in Chrome, we have been able to access the game. (Remember to have your shockwave player up to date as well).

Once the GCB game has loaded, you can then close Hannah, but will have to re-open her if you wish to re-load the GCB play screen. Hasn't been tested with other shockwave games, only Hannah and only in Chrome. If you find other combinations or browsers that work, please send in a ticket and let us know.

Another possible workaround is to load Club Bowls as usual. When the play screen pops up, copy the address from the popup into the "Click to Play" launch window. Submit the address and refresh until the game loads without an error. This has been reported as successful in a few cases.


I was able to get all of the shockwave game avatars by using this. As soon as I was able to get one of them to load, I just did them all in one afternoon. :)

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