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What really thows me about this #¤!"&%"¤#&%¤"¤ game is that you switch playrs just by moving the cursor over a player. It ruins the game a lot for me! Suddenly the player with the ball stops moving and another runs where he (player with ball) was supposed to go, and the other team steals the ball before I can get back to the correct player.

What really thows me about this #�!"&%"�#&%�"� game is that you switch playrs just by moving the cursor over a player. It ruins the game a lot for me! Suddenly the player with the ball stops moving and another runs where he (player with ball) was supposed to go, and the other team steals the ball before I can get back to the correct player.


My strategy thus far really just comes from faking. Run up and then shoot down. Or else coming in at a steep angle, so the goalie follows me, and then shooting at a heavy angle down or up.


I also suck at this game, but that's how I've been getting goals :S


^^^ That's what I have been doing to. It works (most of the time). Have a look at the guide if you are stuck and it will show you what angles to shoot from, it seems to me that that is the easiest way to score goals :yes:


Ohh and Maria, I suck too, but I am kind of getting there, haven't lost a since about my 6th game :)


I have noticed, that I have a better chance of wining a game if I only play one game at a time and do something else between games. Weird, but so far it works.


I hope I can get up to 50 wins so I can get the avatar..


A good one-timer will get the ball in the net, but they're hard to pull off. I've only done it once so far, by accident ^_^ All you need is a bit of practice and the goals will start coming.


I'm not sure why but I have trouble facing the net when I turn right before I shoot. I can do it fine when I'm passing..


That's probably because your cursor momentarily left the area where the Yooyuball game was placed. :yes: If your cursor is outside a Flash element, its movements normally won't affect whatever's going on inside the Flash element (Neopets Flash games are, of course, Flash elements).


Personally, I think I'm actually doing okay at Yooyuball - the trick I use is to come in from the side and shoot at a steep angle so that the Yooyu hits the other side of the goal and goes in. Of course, this doesn't work for the Mutant and Faerie Yooyus (the TDN guide has useful tips on how to shoot those in).


My strategy is very similar to Sky Shadows. For full details go to my strategy forum.


I've found that the strategy for scoring really differs for what type of ball being used. Im no expert, and only started playing this year, but heres some advice you may find useful


Normal Ball: for me i just dash forward and then head up a steep angle, before quickly turning my cursor and shooting in the oposite direction, normally at the extreme right or left of the goal. I think its good to keep in mind that the ball will fly at whatever direction your mouse cursor is at that moment, so try to have the mouse cursor occupying an unguarded space in front of the goal when you shoot


Snow Ball: The same strategy as above, the only thing i dint liek about this one is the speed of the ball, allowing the keeper to intercept a little easier


Robot: Same strategy. Its a bit slow, so its soemwhat like the snow ball.


Fire Ball: A love hate situation when i get it. Same strategy, and its speed makes guarding difficult. Of course, controlling the ball trajectory and ricochet is a tad tougher. (to my horror i own goaled myself once XP)


Fairy ball: I love this ball. A free shot. I simply run in a direct line to the center of the goal post, and shoot just as the ball touches the chalk lines. I dunno if its the same, but the ball always shoots and curves to the right. I have never missed a shot with this ball and strategy


Darigan: Unpredicitable, but there is a high chance of the ball shooting in a diagonal line to the right. I normally corner the goalkeeper so eh follows my character downward, then shoot the ball. The ball would fly in the diagonal direction to the right and into the goalpost (note that this is not always the case)


Mutant: Very unpredictable. No strategy here. I simply try to use the strategy for the normal ball here, since its a 4/6 chance the ball will be on a straight line trajectory.


thats it i suppose.


The Darigan ball shoots in a sort of 'mirror image' along the horizontal compared to the direction your player is facing - like this:




I got that image from TDN's Yooyuball Guide. It's extremely helpful. :yes:


I have tried, and tried, and tried. So far I have managed one draw. Zero wins. I play the other ACIII games tho, but I really wanna be good at Yooyuball.

I suppose I'll just have to keep on trying!


Well there's a well-known saying that goes "Practice makes perfect." ;) Keep at it and you'll get better (I still suck myself).

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