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Well, I am pleased that there is now a nice big link the the forums, but I noticed that the background color of the Forums and the Home image is not the same as that of the sidebar.


I know that this is not a big deal, but a fixing a small, easy to solve problem wouldl make TDN that much better. :)




Lols... I just noticed that. :yes: Would look better if it was fixed, but is no major!!


Haha. I don't see an error in Safari, but sure enough when I opened in Firefox BOOM it was there.


I'm sure Ian will fix it. :)


Edit: I'll see if I can fix it.


Super Edit: I can't. :P


Is it fixed now? I can't actually see the problem but I made some changes that may fix it for other browsers.


Let me know if it's fixed.


I'm afraid not. =/ It's no big deal, though. It doesn't work in FF or IE......Safari and Opera seem fine...


You could always make it transparent, but some browsers don't support transparent .PNGS. Or just use text insterad of an image. :)


Hope you get this sorted out.


Is the problem just the color of the background behind HOME and FORUM?


If you change the hex code on the image backgrounds to the same as the nav background, it should work...


That's the funny part... they are! I'm not sure what's going on here. If you have any ideas, let me know.


thats what I was thinking....


Couldn't you just use text instead of the images? You could still have the little icons when you hover over each link.


I had the same problem, but it seems to be fixed for me now!! Is it still playing up for you Zac?


Hmm... yeah, I didn't notice it at first, but there is a slight difference between the colours on my browser (FF3 nightly build). Nothing obvious though. *shrug*

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