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Hello, everyone.


I'm Dae, a new member here (obviously), although I've been active on Neopets for the past few months. I actually joined for something to do while restock banned only to discover I was no longer banned. I decided to stick around anyway. =)


On Neopets, I'm working on my gallery, and looking forward to the Altador Cup. I'm a ridiculously avid restocker, especially on days like today when my plans were canceled, haha.


Outside of Neopets, I'm an web designer (which is why after this I intend on heading over to that Neopets or Marapets debate and defend Neo's new layout), and general gamer geek. I also love fashion design, so, go figure.


I also tend to write a lot on forums. I'm going to say any post of mine smaller than one paragraph, introductions aside, is a sheer miracle. =P

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Ooh, lengthy posts. xD That'll give us a lot to reply to, eh?


Anyway, welcome to TDN forums. I'm Morgan, and I love all things cheesy. So don't touch my cheese and we'll get along fine. Remember to read the rules, and don't accept cookies from DOOM agents. Have some of mine instead. ^_^

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Hi Dae,


Welcome on the forum, enjoy your time here. ^_^

It's a very nice introduction :yes: (and I love your username :) ).

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*pulls out pie cannon* Hi, I'm Marianne. Welcome to the Forums! Watch out for the flying pies, and enjoy the cookies on the table to your left.

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Thank you all for the welcomes! =) I shall be sure to partake in the cookies, and avoid any baked goods given by these... DOOM agents. =P


Also, thank you Ithil for the compliment on my username.

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