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Eh, in Malaysia we don't really get any long holidays. It's just one week in between terms, two weeks for Chinese New Year, and a few scattered public holidays (although we do get six weeks off at the end of the year). Some private schools have more though...

School got out for me May 23rd and I begin School back up somewhere in August.

Summer Time


Summer break for me just started-- School starts again in early September though. But I'm glad to finally be active here now that I'm done with all those crummy exams. *hopes to one day burn all those research papers* :evil:


For me, I've already been out of school for a month...my last day was May 16. Some people think that we're lucky, but we also start school earlier...I think our school year started this past year on...August 15? Yes, I think so, because it was a day before my cousin's birthday (who happens to be in my class). ^_^ It seems like every year we start earlier and earlier. Which makes me sad because my birthday's August 6, and I don't want it to start anywhere near my birthday!


It also seems like our breaks are shorter too, but I guess it just depends. Our Christmas breaks are about 10 days long, with our Easter breaks being about 5/6 days long (counting the weekend). And we're a Catholic school too! If it were up to me, I'd say every religious holiday, along with every state/federal holiday, is one more day for no school! But sadly, it's not up to me. :graduated:


My last day was today! Now I just have to deal with three exams over the next two days. Graduation next week, and then I only have my victory lap left. :)

Here, we call optional fifth years victory laps... quite suiting, actually.


Well for my current course I'll have a short break when my exams finish (Friday next week) and then we'll be heading on to the second semester of engineering. The only other breaks we get are for public holidays, but that's okay because normally we get plenty of free time between classes. :P

Umm... Just a question how many holidays do you have in the US and for how long?

Most of us have off for Christmas, Easter, Columbus Day, Martin Luther Knig Jr., New year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Election Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, Labor day, and more weeks off for breaks/ vacations. I have off a week for Christmas/ New Year, a week for spring break, and another week for winter break. Then there's a few Jewish holidays I have off: Rosh Hashanah, Purim, Passover( spring break). That may look like a lot, but I have tons of work (plus tests/ final exams), so we need a break now and then. :D School(for me) ends June 27


My last day of school so happened to be today, and it was awesome.

We got out at 8:45 AM EST. ^.^ And when I was walking in the hallways, us former fifth graders (for you Americans :P) were chanting something, I forget what though. I believe it might have been "school's out" or "school". Something about being happy about the last day of school.

The last day of school is always an awesome day...we get out early, I have time to waste (Yes, but not something I should be proud of) and summer vacation has begun! :D


You guys are very confusing. I've only got 1 more week and we have our science fairs due in *pulls hair*. Your holidays are quite different from our New Zealand school holidays but you guys might get by just as well as us... and college(high school) you guys are so, how should I say- mature?


i feel so small and immature...

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