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You Know You're Addicted To Neopets When...


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... when you spend two hours trying to calculate the amount of time in minutes it'll take you to get a higher interest level at the bank and be able to afford that new paintbrush.


Do you want a serious answer? The interest goes up 1 neopoint for every 3,000 neopoints added to your current balance. I've calculated this time and time again myself over the years.

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....When your on Yahoo and say I need to check my Neomail when you ment to say Email.

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When you're thinking "what side would be good" and somehow it ends up "what side account..." (I seriously did this the other day.)

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-try to make some borovan at home


-throw everything you own into a stove trying to get the Bonju avatar


- Start calling the months as "month of gathering... month of eating...."


-are afraid to use the ATM machines because "the bank staff may get angry and refuse to serve you!"

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....when you start calling an Egg a Negg.

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... You look for neopets in a pet store

... You try to find a money tree or faerie cave

... You put sand together and boil it hoping to make a sand sculpture




Rofl nice 1 Fable

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Technically if you're posting in this topic then you're probably a neopets addict and if you've posted more than once in this topic then you should go get help :whistle:

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Nikki, that statement is p-p-p-prePOSterous! I quit neo but I can still contribute to this conversation...


...well, maybe not anymore. I'm out of ideas. x_x xD

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Dx That's animal abuse! A person who does that to their pets in real life needs to take a nice, long stay away from their computer.

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...your appearance during the Altador Cup roughly resembles that of the Techo Super Fan.

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...you actually bother to visit this website


...you try to refer Neopet users when then can refer themselves (I decided not to).


Ms.Nikki you are hilarious!!! :laughingsmiley: So are you Chad's Girl!!! :D Most of the stuff said here is true about me. Hmmm... :*



bluerang1andNCpets.jpg <--------------------- I wish

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