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You Know You're Addicted To Neopets When...


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...ask someone how many neopoints something cost at an actual store.


...walk around with print out photos of your neopets in your wallet.

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You give people weird looks for calling by your real name, and not your user name. LOL hillarious!


...you try to haggle at wal mart or target


...you have a whole collection of items you made for the Random Contest

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Guest Levy

...you turn your addiction into a full blown religion.


...you are late for school/work because you were in the middle of a battle in the dome and your opponent is idle.

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...you ask for Ghost Marshmallows at the candy shop.


...you ask what type of Yooyuball is being used at football matches.

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Guest Levy

...you lose grasp on reality and begin to visualize your pets in your house, when in actuality, it is your cat, your dog, and your fat brother who won't stay out of your room.

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...you say "hello" to a leaping cougar.


...you have at least one Neopets-related word in every sentence you say.


... every night you dream that you live in Neopia.

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...there are about 600,000 instances of Neopets.com in your browser's history


...you change your password every few minutes to stop hackers from getting at your account


XD Shouldn't this be a word game?

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Yeah, it probably should.


...you have every avatar recorded in every Neopets help site on the Internet and are still looking for more that might have been missed.


...your Neopets never go below bloated.

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...people ask you how many pets you have you reply with yeah I have a dog, a cat, an Ixi, and two Elephantes


...you claim your neopets on your pet insurance

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...you wonder why AdBlock isn't working when you see a poster in a shop.


...you stopped talking to your best friend because he/she likes Marapets.

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...you instinctively avoid typing apostrophes on message boards other than the Neopets guild boards


...more than half of your user lookup is filled with trophies

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...you can't find the Neolodge when you're about to go on holiday without your computer.


...you pick up a ruined paintbrush that someone dropped on the ground.

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...your browser's home page is set to Neopets.com


...you start nervously glancing over your shoulder after a Pant Devil attack

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...you worry about leaving your pets alone


...you talk about TNT like it were one person to everyday people ("Yeah TNT is really grinding my gears today!")

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