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The Punch Club Bowls???


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HELp!!! I tried every combination on the bowls, but I still can't click the goblet!! Please Help!!! :crying: [

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Well let's go through this one step at a time - firstly, did you check if the goblet was clickable after trying each combination?

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Yes it is supposed to reload. If you look at the URL of the page, the combinaisons change as you click.


Just try it again, print the little chart and highlight the combos as you try them. Make sure to cut all distractions and to be focused too :)

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I'm stuck here too. I think the problem may lay in the combinations. After I press the first one, I'll watch the little green bar at the bottom load and then click the next one when it says done. The URL at the top is way too long to be able to see any changes in it, and every once in a while the page goes white and reloads.

This is my third day at the punch club! Any advice?


-Zhi Ling

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The thing I did when going through this part of the plot was to list out all the possible combinations in a text file. As I tried each combination, I deleted it from the text file, and that way I managed to try every single combination. :yes:

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