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If life gives you lemons


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...then live, quickly, before life remembers to get you to pay your insurance!


If life gives you 7000 smilies...

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...eat it and then throw up because you're allergic.


If life gives you the end of Metroid's comics...


Edit: Erm... :* If life gives you clowns...

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...dump it in a cup and drink it up (I like ice cream best when it's melted).


If life gives you a large, unidentified, extremely smelly object...

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...upload it to your school's computer network in the hope that it'll crash the exam database.


If life gives you 100 attack peas...

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...eat them fast before anyone else gets to them. :shiftyeyes_anim:


If life gives you overcooked omelettes...

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...scold life for playing in the rain.


If life gives you a maze of booby-traps...

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...ask for the accompanying state-of-the-art gadget.


If life gives you a poisoned taco...

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