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It's nice to meet everybody! I've lurked around for a while, but I decided to join now. =] Yay!


I've played Neopets since 2001, and it's a really great way to procrastinate from doing actual work! Ha ha...


Please regard me kindly. Thank you. =]

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Welcome to TDN forums! :D You're not the only one who uses Neopets to procrastinate from doing work - you've just joined an entire community of expert procrastinators. :P You can start now by wasting a few minutes enjoying a few of the delicious cookies we've laid out on the table to your left. :yes:


Enjoy your stay here!

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*waves* Hi Welcome to the Forums.. We hope you enjoy yourself!!! Don't forget to take some cookies.. there is a table full :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^^ That's just plain old Morgan, nothing special about her, plain, boring ol' Morgan!!!


Have I done my welcome yet? Shivers I always lose track lols.. Anyways.. Welcome to the Wonderful, Fanstatical, Amazingly Beautiful World of the TDN FORUMS *the crowd roars*

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*monotone* I am not boring, I am quite the spastic one when I'm in the mood.


But it's morning. So not now. :sleeping_03anim:

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Well actually, nobody on this forum is boring, annoying, or mediocre. We're all 100% insane (although some of us deny it). :P

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