Dillon Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 http://www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/...m?storyID=74116 She was the person who saved my life during the broken arm This is her http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w129/De...el5/shannon.jpg :crying_blow:
Guest Levy Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 I am so sorry Dillon. T^T I lost a good friend last month. Known him since Elementary School. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=9733839434
m3l3ana Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 ***hugs*** sorry to hear about your friend Dillon, it sucks losing a friend or a person close to you!!
Dillon Posted April 24, 2008 Author Posted April 24, 2008 Thanks you guys. Everytime i look at her pictures i cry. i hate that one comment on the newspost about she got what she deserved. They don't even flipping know here. Yet they judge her people these days
m3l3ana Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 It is a sad fact of life that people judge other people Dillon you know that! No one knows the circumstances of how or why she died, but they will always judge. I feel for you Dillon, but she is with her mother now and no matter what you always have the memories, no one can take those away from you :wub_anim:
Dillon Posted April 24, 2008 Author Posted April 24, 2008 exactly they'll never take all the good times we had. actually we've never had any bad times. such a sham
m3l3ana Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 and those are the memories that she would want you to hold onto :)
Awesome_Paul Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 i hate that one comment on the newspost about she got what she deserved. Dillon, they said that comment because she was speeding and alcohol may have been involved. And as a driver myself, If you drink/drive (or speed around a corner), then there is no-one to blame than herself. Plain and simple, If she was keeping to the speed limit, it wouldn't have happened. If she was driving at the limit and got hit by another car, then yeah, I would feel sorry for her, but in this situation I don't.
crxsnochic Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 Show some heart Paul, sure , there may have been no one to blame other than her, but it's still a tragedy. Not only did she lose her life, but her friends and her sister lost someone they loved. Yes, it was for silly and immature reasons, alcohol and speeding. But it's because of those silly reasons that its all the more a tragedy. It's sad that even with all the news stories, tv ads, education in schools, etc. that people still make the decision to drink and drive. What's worse is that many people think that driving is OK if you've only had one drink, but thats just not true (and as the article only said alcohol contributed not that she was over the legal limit we can at least give this girl the benefit of the doubt). Even the fact that the legal limit is above 0% blood alcohol level helps support this idea that one drink is OK. As for her speeding, I doubt that any of the drivers here could say that they have never sped, and furthermore there are probably quite a few that would have to admit to excessive speeding as well. She made a very bad decision that day and she ended up paying for it in the worst way. One can only be thankful that she was the only person involved and hope that her story touches enough hearts that it will come into someones mind before they get behind the wheel after drinking. In that way, perhaps her senseless death can help to teach others and perhaps save someones life, even if it is too late for her. I lost 3 friends due to drunk driving all in the same accident when I was 16. Because of that event I have been extremely careful about never driving under the influence of even the tiniest amount of alcohol, and I don't let anyone I know or meet do it either. I even got punched by one of the football players at my highschool because I wouldn't give him his car keys, he thanked me later. It's good that this girl does have such wonderful friends and a sister who probably cares deeply about her. Hopefully her tragedy will at least serve to keep Dillon, her sister, her other friends, (and perhaps even the people they tell her story to), safe in their future decisions. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss Dillon. My heart goes out to you and her friends and family.
Awesome_Paul Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 Yeah but there are far too many drink driving tragedies now. People try to act cool/stupid and drink drive, and someone is guaranteed to get hurt, I can find 2 news articles from this week from the UK alone, where a car accident has almost killed someone. Imagine, she crashed midday or early evening, and she hit a car, Instant killed / paralyzed in the other car. Imagine she had guests in the car. Any little change to that news, something worse could have happened. Yes I am sorry, But only 25% is sorry. The other 75% is absolute annoyed about how people can drink and drive, then have a accident and make everyone feel sorry for them. I have prevented people drink driving myself, some of my mates at a new year eves party. One was sot stubborn, I actually called his parents, It sounds sad, but if it that or him driving. Either way, whoever she was out with, they should have stopped her.
~*MidnightMoonFiretail*~ Posted April 24, 2008 Posted April 24, 2008 It said she was out driving alone when she struck a...lampost, I think, I don't think it was another car that hit her car, she slammed into something. :sad01_anim:
crxsnochic Posted April 25, 2008 Posted April 25, 2008 I totally agree that drunk driving is horrible, but I still feel sorry that she would have made a bad decision like that in the first place. So many people take stupid risks that can hurt not only themselves but others around them. However, I feel that the tragedy lies in the fact that at times people seem to be unable to fully realize these risks and to act responsibly. It's sad that this girl succumbed to something like drinking and driving, and in doing so not only ended her own life, but could have jeapordized other lives and robbed the people who loved her of a special friend. So it's not that I feel sorry about her paying for her decisions, in fact cause and effect is a pretty big 'theme' to life in general, its that I feel sorry for the fact that she was unable to make a responsible decision. Of course, the problem with alcohol is that it tends to affect peoples ability to make wise decisions. And yes, I think that anyone who was out with her or knew that she had anything to drink should have did whatever necessary to keep her from driving. I also think there should be MUCH more severe penalties for drunk driving. I know in the US, basically if you have enough money to spend, you can more or less get away with it. Which is completely irresponsible of the government. Perhaps if the penalties were more severe, even if the thought of death wasn't enough of a deterrant, hopefully the thought of jail time would be. Anyways, this is turning into a bit of a debate, so I'll stop here. Once again, Dillon, I'm really sorry that you lost your friend in such a senseless and irresponsible way.
Xepha Posted April 25, 2008 Posted April 25, 2008 Dillon, I'm truely sorry for your lost. It is normal to be sad and to cry. Don't let it becoming something bad inside of you. Nobody desserves to die from an accident, especially not when they are young. Cars are just as dangerous as bombs can be... and us being human, we do mistakes. I'm not saying that drunk driving is a good thing nor that speeding is one. There are probably many factors that we don't know about this story... Anyway, that was my 2 cents in this discussion. I'm with you Dillon...
m3l3ana Posted April 26, 2008 Posted April 26, 2008 No offence Paul but this is not the place to say your part. This thread was started because Dillon needed support and wanted people to know! I don't think any of us condole drink driving or speeding and I know Dillon doesn't, so therefore I think that if you want to start a debate, start a new topic! Hope your feeling a bit better Dillon :)
antiaircraft Posted April 29, 2008 Posted April 29, 2008 Just to make a point: Falcon was the only person in the vehicle and alcohol was a contributing factor in the crash, police said. This is a highly ambiguous statement, and certainly not enough to start a debate over. There is nowhere near enough info to start drawing conclusions from, so let's just stop needling each other. *Ahem* I extend my condolences to you Dillon. If you ever need support, I'll (almost) always be lurking around or posting on the forums. :yes:
Guest Sandi Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Thanks you guys. Everytime i look at her pictures i cry. i hate that one comment on the newspost about she got what she deserved. They don't even flipping know here. Yet they judge her people these days I'm sorry about your friend =[ it stinks. But this goes to show everyone that d&d is not cool, or acceptable. Having too young to be able to drink, too young to be able to handle alcohol probably, I'm not one to judge on what effects it has on people. This post has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please do not post on topics that ahve been inactive for longer than 14 days, and be polite. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
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