Matt Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Hey. You haven't heard from us for a long time, have you. Sadly it's nothing new we can offer you. We've been recieving many requests in the last couple of days asking to borrow junk items for the Packrat avatar. We do not lend out items for Packrat, unfortunately. There are many lists and sites out there which can help you get to your goal, but not us. :( Sorry. Matt.
howdyho124 Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 I just recently got my pack rat avatar and I'm trying to clean it all out so if anyone need cheap junk, come to my shop my ID is _howdyho124 =]
m3l3ana Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 There are also a few people who got together and started passing stuff around on the Forums if you find the thread in Anything and Everthing Neopets (I think) you can probably hop in the que :)
~*MidnightMoonFiretail*~ Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Try browsing around on shop wizard as well. Just search for a random item and browse through that shop.
Pipa Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 I so understand that. After I got Pack Rat, I lent most of the items to a friend so that she could get it too... Among those items was a big plushie gallery (not complete though and not that expensive either). After hours of trading she finnally got the av but then she was frozen. I don't know what she did wrong and I know it wasn't on purpose but still... I lost all my 1000 items, junk and non-junk. I'm glad I don't have to worry about Pack Rat anymore :P
Slim Jim Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 If your selling your packrat items, let me know. make sure they are not overpriced items. This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules. Do not post on topics inactive for longer than 14 days. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Anime if you have any questions regarding this action.
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