crxsnochic Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 So, I'm trying to decide if I should attempt school today. Yesterday, I had a temperature of 101 F (thats 38 C for the rest of the world). Today my fever is gone and I feel fine, except everytime I stand up I get a really bad case of vertigo, I get so dizzy, my sight blacks out, I get nauseas, and my hearing even goes away (it's like I just walked out of an extremely loud concert and my eardrums got blown out.) Oh, and all the blood drains from my head and my face turns ice cold. Normally I'd just stay home, but I have my physics lab class today and I can't make those up, so this could really affect my grade. :crying: What to do. I think I'd be fine driving to school and sitting in class, cause I;m not standing, but I'm worried about passing out walking to and from classes. And I have to stand during my lab, there aren't any chairs. Ok, so this is really just a frustrated rant, but what a dilemma! Quote
Matt Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 That doesn't sound... very healthy... at all. Me being me, I'd go to school with something like that. Although saying that, I didn't go home as I was almost passing out in lessons at middle school. That was a strange day... You describe those symptoms and they sound like what I get... scarily frequently, but I always thought they were bog standard head rushes (That being based on of Pheobe from Friends describing them. :/). If you say your temperature was that high, though, I'd say they happen all the time. Go to the doctors, or it might just get a whole lot worse. Quote
m3l3ana Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Umm... well what time is your lab thing? Try going to only that if you can. I suggest you go to the doctor aswell though and I would suggest you do that first. Quote
Xepha Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 I would not go to class. Last time that I felt that bad, I was having an ear infection and it got worse while I was at school so I left between 2 classes... I hate missing classes because then you have to catch up on alot of things... but it's better to take care of your health first, and your marks after. Quote
crxsnochic Posted April 11, 2008 Author Posted April 11, 2008 Xepha called it.. So no school for me today, or tomorrow. Apparently I have Labrynthitis (inner ear infection), but the doc is worried that if my fever returns I might have meningitis (inflammation of the brain.. sometimes fatal... awesome!) So if my fever comes back I have to rush to the nearest hospital and get a CAT scan. Life is grand. Though its probably only the ear infection, however inner ear infections are different than regular ear infections, so they just can't give meds to help it go away, I have to wait for it to go away on its own, which can take anywhere from 1-6 weeks, occasionally several months. I have final exams coming up, and I really don't want to be dizzy for them. So yeah, it really stinks. Oh, and I missed lab today, and even with the doctors note and everything my lab teacher won't let me make it up, I just get a 0% for it. He's really mean. On a funnier note: the medicine I was given to help relieve my dizziness symptoms, on the side of the bottle is a great big warning on a bright yellow sticker that says 'May cause dizziness.' At least that got a laugh out of me today! And Matt.. I'm a lot like you too, I'll go to school feeling like complete crud. I was about 2 seconds away from trying to attempt going to class, but then I almost lost consciousness, so I was smart and stayed home! Also those head rush things you described, those are pretty common especially if you stand up real fast after sitting for awhile. What I got was just like that, except about 100 times more severe and it lasted for close to 5 minutes. It was really scary to not be able to see/hear for that long. It was only that bad the first time though. Now I know not to stand for too long and if it comes its only for about 30 seconds. Quote
m3l3ana Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 Guttered, I feel sorry for you!! I hate being sick, it makes me feel helpless and I always just want it to go away!! Quote
Xepha Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 I'm glad you took the right decision and went to the doctor! Get well soon and hopefully it won't mess your marks too much. (And try talking to the superior of your lab teacher when you go back ;o There is always a way to come with an arrangement!) Quote
crxsnochic Posted April 11, 2008 Author Posted April 11, 2008 Thanks for the words of encouragement Xepha! We'll see what happens. On a good note, I haven't had any severe vertigo spells for about 3 hours now, and all the time that I'll be stuck at home sitting down should give me lots and lots of time to study. Yay studying :P Quote
antiaircraft Posted April 12, 2008 Posted April 12, 2008 Well I hope your recovery goes well. :yes: You could always check up on school regulations or whatnot - maybe you'll be able to catch your lab teacher out. :evil: I know one person who had a really high fever (about the same as yours) but still came to school anyway in order to avoid missing out on anything. Now that's dedication. :P Quote
crxsnochic Posted April 12, 2008 Author Posted April 12, 2008 Yeah, I went to school the day I had the fever :) I just couldn't go to school the next day cause the vertigo was so bad I was worried I'd wreck while I was driving there (my school is a 45 minute drive from where I live, and as I was getting the vertigo spells about every 20 mins or so, the odds weren't in my favor!) Good news though, I have a head cold today too. I know that sounds horrible, but it's actually a good thing. Apparently when someone gets Labrynthitis it can be caused by one of two things, a virus or a bacteria. If it's a virus, you usually have a bad head cold then get the Labrythitis(in fact any head cold can turn into Labrynthitis, it's just rare that it does, my good luck shining through again!). If it's a bacteria you get the Labrynthitis first, but the bacteria is likely the same kind that causes meningitis, and possible death :bigeyed: . So when I talked to the doc today she was VERY happy that I have a cold, It means that it's almost 100% that it's viral and thats a good thing. So for some reason I got my sicknesses backwards, but I'd much rather be backwards than have a brain thats swelling! :P Oh, and my lab teacher doesn't seem likes he's gonna let me make the lab up, but he was also trying to not accept my lab work from the previous week, even though I emailed it to him by the due time, he said he wanted a hard copy. But my doctor actually sent an email to him cause it made her really angry when I told her about it, so he changed his mind about accepting the email version of my work (guess he felt as bad as he's been acting). That's a really cool thing for the doc to do, cause I know she's very busy. I hope I become as awesome a doc as she is. Maybe if I pass out in class next week he'll feel even worse and let me make the missed lab up too! <-- Wonders how to faint on command and still look believable?? :P Quote
antiaircraft Posted April 12, 2008 Posted April 12, 2008 Well you could try one of DOOM's special remedies. :devil: Or maybe you could just jump up and down violently until something overloads. :P Quote
crxsnochic Posted April 12, 2008 Author Posted April 12, 2008 Haha, jumping up and down would definitely make me overload at the moment! :) Good news is that I'm feeling slightly better today! Quote
antiaircraft Posted April 13, 2008 Posted April 13, 2008 Well that's good to hear. :yes: Good luck getting your lab teacher to replace your session! Quote
crxsnochic Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Update: I'm finally all better, and it ends up it wasn't what the doctor thought it was. I didn't have an inner ear infection at all. I see a chiropractor every week due to a back injury and when I went to my appointment this week, just before cracking out my neck my chiropractor says to me "You haven't been having any dizzy spells lately, have you?" I hadn't mentioned anything to him about my illness at this point. So I said, "Yes I have, why do you ask?" And he replied that one of the vertebrae in my neck was all out of whack and it was poking out from the side, he even showed me where to touch my neck so I could feel it. It felt like a bone was sticking out from the base of my skull, really weird. So he went on to tell me that that particular vertebra has nerve endings that lead to the ear area and that sometimes when people have issues with that part of their neck the nerves get pinched and they can get dizzy spells. So he said" well I'll just straighten that right up and you'll feel great by tomorrow.." And he gave my neck a couple of twists and presto.. no more vertigo attacks! I don't even know what I did to get my neck all messed up like that, but after the whole fiasco with vertigo and missing school and doctors scaring the beejeesees out of me with talk of meningitis, the whole time all that was really wrong was an exceptionally bad crick in my neck. Go figure. I think I'm going to start going to my chiropractor first, even when I have a cold... just to see if theres a magic button on my spine he can push to make me all better :P Quote
m3l3ana Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Well aren't you lucky!!! I am sick at the moment, got a really bad cold :( I hate being sick... wish I was all better!!! Quote
crxsnochic Posted April 18, 2008 Author Posted April 18, 2008 Extra Extra lucky, the doctor was just saying to wait it out cause there's nothing they can really do for the ear thing, so if I didn't normally see a chiropractor for something else, who knows how long it would have taken my neck to align itself up again on its own. Sorry to hear about your cold, They're so annoying cause they always take ages to go away. Quote
antiaircraft Posted April 29, 2008 Posted April 29, 2008 Well I'm no stranger to joint/bone problems, so I can say that your neck would probably have taken a loooooong time to realign by itself. :yes: It's good to hear that you're getting better! :D Quote
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