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Hi...I'm Roger and I'm a neopets-a-holic. :P


I'm new to this forum...but not new to the forum scene. Since I started neopets...I've always used TDN as my favorite site for my dailies....and I've browsed around the forums for any further news that isn't on the site itself.


I also wanna add...I love the new additions and the new look...looks so modern....very sharp, if ya ask me. :) I'm still getting used to it though....I found most of the stuff....except the alerts for Snowager and Turmaculus....but other than that...it's very cool. The TDN masterminds rock! :D


See ya 'round the boards. b)

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*waves* Welcome to TDN.. I am Marianne. Please make sure you read the rules and then you wont get into trouble with our wonderful staffers :)


If you look to your left you will see a table full of cookies, help yourself they a delicously baked for you by the DOOM Corporation :yes:

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Welcome Roger! :D Those cookies that were mentioned are absolutely delicious, so make sure you try a few. :yes:


And I don't think you can find the Snowager alert on the site - it should just pop up automatically when the Snowager is awake. I'm not sure about the Turmy though...

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The Snowanger and Turmy alerts should pop up when the Snowanger is asleep and when Turmy is awake. Our wonderful staffers make sure of it!

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Well I'm pretty sure that the Snowager alert works, but I'm not so certain about whether or not the Turmy alert is operational.

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Well I'm pretty sure that the Snowager alert works, but I'm not so certain about whether or not the Turmy alert is operational.


Yeah I know I have started to realise that too, but some wonderful members are now posting it on the boards, so if you are on you may be able to catch Turmy awake!

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Welcome to The Daily Neopets Forum Roger, Yes were all Neopets-A-Holic's to. :P

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Hey Roger!

Welcome to TDN Forums, my name is Tom. Take some more cookies if you'd like, the table is constantly restocked so you'll never need to worry about it running out!



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Just what is this table and who restocks it and what's on it?

That's the cookie table Tom was talking about. :yes: It's restocked (or should I say reloaded :P ) every time the cookies run out, but that takes an entire 5 seconds! (:

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