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New avatar list lagging


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Is that how it should work with the current equipment or are there some sort of a problem causing this? I really love the new avatar list, mainly because its a part of your site and kinda trustworthy. But i have no intention of using that, if the lag are so massive. The longest it has taken for an avatar pop up to load is +5 minutes. The shortest is 2 seconds which im quite satisfied with :)


If its the current equipment that is to blame - may i suggest making the pop up info in the same page as one is supposed to get it to pop up?

So when one wanna read the requirement for the avatar one has to press 1 button and the the info is shown under the button.

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I believe the lag problems are actually due to the huge amount of traffic the site is getting (I also experience some cases where the page refused to load altogether :( ). Hopefully Ian will get things flattened out over time.

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There are people who think you can get avatars through the TDN avatars checklist? o_O AvatarLog has been around for a while and I didn't hear about anybody making that mistake... *shrug*

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I believe the lag problems are actually due to the huge amount of traffic the site is getting (I also experience some cases where the page refused to load altogether :( ). Hopefully Ian will get things flattened out over time.


I had the same problem today. I signed in and then went to Avatar you haven't got (or whatever it is) and it wouldn't load that page at all. I sat there for almost 15 mins waiting for it and then gave up :S

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We are aware of this situation...

and there is a FAQ on Neoavatars saying that you can't get the avatars in your neopets account by checking them on our site XD.

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:laughingsmiley: Now you just have to deal with the confused idiots who don't know how to read the FAQ.


If a page doesn't start to load after about 30 seconds, it's best just to hit the reload button (I'm impatient, so for me it's closer to 5 seconds :P ).

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@ AA: Well aren't you just a charmer. I normally wait a few mins then click the refresh button.

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I slam the keyboard too when I get annoyed or I slam the mounse onto the table. *ponders* I wonder how good that is for the equiptment :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I do occasionally slam my equipment, but I carefully check the wiring and everything afterwards. :P


The avatar list lag is getting really serious, but it seems a solution is in the works so I'm not that worried.

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