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Boy killed while imitating Naruto

Guest Levy

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It is sort of sad, but there are some things I don't get.


1. Why would he be dumb enough to try a stunt on a fictional cartoon show?

2. Why didn't his parents monitor what he was watching?

3. Why the sandbox?

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it seems like it would take a lot of effort and time to bury a kid that would be trying to squirm after he realized he wasnt going to be able to breath, ample time for a parent to see it seems....but if they did manage to bury him to his chest there wouldnt be a way for him to get out. its awful

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It just shows that parents need to monitor what their kids watch, or at least block TV programs with certain ratings. Stuff like this can happen, and it's really sad. :(

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No offence intended to anybody, but that's just... dumb. o_O They're 8-10 years old already, shouldn't they be able to figure out that certain things are impossible without proper training?

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Its the same with anything. Kids are just frickin stupid.


When Manhunt came out in the UK, My boy was murdered (by another young person) and the killing was exactly the same as in the game (being stabbed like 60 times). Thats why it was banned here.


Though it can't be blamed on the TV / Movies / games. Fact is, some kids are stupid enough to try it.

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I agree with the last three people. I mean, it's a bit sad and everything, but if your stupid enough to die, you should. I'm not being harsh or anything, it's just if your 4-7 years, it's TV's fault. But anything over is just plain idiocy. And if your an idiotic kid, you'll be an idiotic adult, and that doesn't help the community at all. "Natural selection" is what it's called.

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I'm gonna quote something funny I heard Mr. Van Driessen say on Beavis and Butt-head's Christmas episode, "What if they breed?"



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I agree with the last three people. I mean, it's a bit sad and everything, but if your stupid enough to die, you should. I'm not being harsh or anything, it's just if your 4-7 years, it's TV's fault. But anything over is just plain idiocy. And if your an idiotic kid, you'll be an idiotic adult, and that doesn't help the community at all. "Natural selection" is what it's called.



No, sorry, that is being harsh. A CHILD just DIED. And you guys are calling him an idiot. That's just heartless.

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No, sorry, that is being harsh. A CHILD just DIED. And you guys are calling him an idiot. That's just heartless.


He died a stupid death, doing something stupid. Call me heartless,

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This kid was insane about "Naturo" I guess..

This is like the "Pokemon kid", who wrote that he is going to be a pokemon trainer, 'cuz Ash is calling for him, and his bird pokemon will catch him, while he jumped out of the 5th floor window and died.. Some kids can't see the difference between cartoons and real world.. :(

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Okay, that Pokemon kid sounds like a real nut-job.


These things that seam harmless are killing the stupid kids of the world. This is nature. A group of Zebra start running from a lion. One moron Zebra stays put and wonders, "I wonder if I can become friends with the lion..."

Guess who gets eaten. He would have survived if he had just ran.

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He died a stupid death, doing something stupid. Call me heartless,


You're heartless. All kids do things that are stupid, most of them are just lucky enough to survive it. You won't think it's so funny if it's YOUR child that dies doing something he shouldn't have.


On the other hand, I'm starting to get an idea of the age group of most of the people on this board.

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You're heartless. All kids do things that are stupid, most of them are just lucky enough to survive it. You won't think it's so funny if it's YOUR child that dies doing something he shouldn't have.


On the other hand, I'm starting to get an idea of the age group of most of the people on this board.


Not all kids do things stupid. In this case,it's not a good idea to generalize. He was doing something that should have been obvious to anyone over the age of 8 is completely dangerous. Would qualify for a Darwin Award. Also, we're not laughing about it.


And I'd like to know your assumption of how old people here are.

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When I was little my mom never let me watch Power Rangers. (Too violent) My little cousin used to watch it though, he didn't turn stupid because of it. Infact, he plays mature rated games and he doesn't go around shooting people with BB guns. TV and Video games don't make kids stupid, stupid kids are just born stupid.

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When I was little my mom never let me watch Power Rangers. (Too violent) My little cousin used to watch it though, he didn't turn stupid because of it. Infact, he plays mature rated games and he doesn't go around shooting people with BB guns. TV and Video games don't make kids stupid, stupid kids are just born stupid.


So stupid people deserve to die? Sorry to bring up a cliche (and it IS a cliche) but the powers of Nazi Germany agreed, and in fact it was those deemed "incompetent" who were the first ones they tested the gas chambers on. So I hope none of you end up with below 85 on a WAIS or WISC, cause otherwise it seems that you've given us permission to Darwin award you right out of existence.

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This has inadvertently turned into a debate, I asked Teej to move it.


So stupid people deserve to die? Sorry to bring up a cliche (and it IS a cliche) but the powers of Nazi Germany agreed, and in fact it was those deemed "incompetent" who were the first ones they tested the gas chambers on. So I hope none of you end up with below 85 on a WAIS or WISC, cause otherwise it seems that you've given us permission to Darwin award you right out of existence.

We aren't killing anyone. Its the kids that kill themselves. We're not rounding them up in a line and shooting them with a firing squad.

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Fact 1: At their age, the kids should have been able to realize just how dangerous what they were doing was.

Fact 2: Sandboxes should always be supervised by somebody sensible when small kids are around, as there are a lot of harmful things you can do with sand.


Therefore, the blame does not fall on any one specific person. It was just plain stupidity in addition to back luck.

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There was a lack of common sense on the part of the other kids and the adults who should have been supervising as well.


And people without common sense don't last long? What about all the politicians in the world then? o_O

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