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TDN Forum's very own City!

DOOM Bringer

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Ranked 278

Population 804

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Population still good to go :yes:

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1 %


100 %

Crime rate

1 %


0 %




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Population 805

Revenues 183250 €

Unemployment 1%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 0%

Pollution 0%


*tackles random criminal* Great, now somebody get him a job!

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Ranked 278

Population 805

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


Well... thats kind of a coincidence, my last post is also about fixing the pollution problem :guiltysmiley:

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Ranked 279 (dropping in rank)

Population 805

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Population again :)

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Ranked 278

Population 808

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


We need to boost our industry now...

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Ranked 279

Population 808

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


:( We just seem to keep dropping in rank!!! WE NEED MORE PEOPLE


Population time :yes:

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Ranked 278

Population 809

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Yay back to population!!

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Ranked 279 (not for long though Strategos!!)

Population 810

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 99 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


Transport and Pollution need fixing!

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Ranked 279

Population 811

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Back to population...

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Population 813

Revenues 185200 €

Unemployment 0%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 1%

Pollution 0%


*runs out with net launcher* Grab those criminals! :P

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Ranked 280

Population 813

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Back to population, we need more people!!

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Population 814

Revenues 185350 €

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Well, now it appears that we need to work on Industry, that way the unemployed have a job. XP

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Ranked 280

Population 814

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Back to Population :yes:

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Ranked 281

Population 816

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 99 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


A quick fix of transport is needed...

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Population 817

Revenues 186050 €

Unemployment 1%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 1%

Pollution 0%


Issues! *goes to call city council* We need a long-term resolution for this! XD

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Ranked 280

Population 817

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Can someone please get this man a job!!!

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Ranked 278

Population 820

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Yay everything's fixed, time for population!!

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Ranked 278

Population 820

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


We had one of our members leave to look for a job!!! Looks like we are still clear to increase our population though!!

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Ranked 278

Population 821

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Everything's fixed for now, back to population...

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Ranked 278

Population 822

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Looks like we are still running smoothly!

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Ranked 278

Population 823

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Someone needs a job!

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Population 824

Revenues 187850 €

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


Well, looks to me like someone needs to improve the Environment.

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