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TDN Forum's very own City!

DOOM Bringer

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Ranked 267 :D

Population 783

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


Pollution needs fixing!!

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Population 784

Revenues 178600 €

Unemployment 0%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 1%

Pollution 0%


Oi, policemen! You're supposed to be patrolling, not sleeping on the job!

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Ranked 267

Population 784

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


All set for population boost.

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Ranked 267

Population 786

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Need to find someone a job!!!

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Ranked 267

Population 787

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


New factory opened, but we have a pollution problem to deal with...

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0 %


100 %

Crime rate

1 %


0 %


i help w/ the park! :D

now we need security...

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Ranked 267

Population 788

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


A few more police officers coming in... time to boost our population...

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Population it is! :D *clicks*


Population 791

Revenues 179900 €

Unemployment 1%

Transport 99%

Crime rate 0%

Pollution 0%


Okay, we have a few problems to deal with. :yes:

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Ranked 267

Population 792

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 99 %

Crime rate 1 %

Pollution 0 %


More problems to deal with...

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Ranked 267

Population 792

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 99 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


*pulls criminals off the street* BAH!!!! Just another problem to deal with!!!!

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a new factory has been opened!


Rank: 267 (have we ever been higher than that? lol jk)





0 %


99 %

Crime rate

0 %


1 %

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Ranked 267

Population 793

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


Transport network improved, now left with a pollution problem to deal with...

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Ranked 267

Population 794

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 99 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


From one problem to the next... Transport needs fixing!

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Ranked 272

Population 795

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Just one more fix on industry and we are ready to go!

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Population 795

Revenues 181250 €

Unemployment 0%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 0%

Pollution 1%


Gotta watch our environment guys! Environment d'ya hear!? :P

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Ranked 273

Population 795

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Another population boost needed.

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Ranked 277

Population 796

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 1 %

Pollution 0 %


Just a fix in security needed...

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Ranked 277

Population 796

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Pop again :D

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0 %


100 %

Crime rate

0 %


0 %


still population

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Ranked 279

Population 800

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 1 %

Pollution 0 %


Yay we reached 800!! Just a fix of security needed...

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Population 800

Revenues 182250 €

Unemployment 0%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 0%

Pollution 0%


Population is go! :P


Hmm... we're actually starting to drop in rank. Better get more clicks!

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Rank 278

Population 801

Revenues 182400 €

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Looking at current #277, I think it'll be pretty easy to beat them.

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Ranked 278

Population 802

Unemployment 1 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Someone get this guy a job!!!!

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Ranked 278

Population 803

Unemployment 0 %

Transport 100 %

Crime rate 0 %

Pollution 1 %


A cleanup of the environment is needed now...

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Population 803

Revenues 182950 €

Unemployment 0%

Transport 100%

Crime rate 0%

Pollution 0%


Population! Go go go! XD

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