pact Posted March 14, 2008 Posted March 14, 2008 Hi, i dont really use the trading post or sell stuff usuall so i dont know if this is a good trade. please give me some guidance. I put a Aisha Transmogrification potion on the TP asking for 145k, got a offer of 3x Yellow Quiggle (TCG) Is this a good trade? and do Yellow Quiggle (TCG) sell well?
Parshy Posted March 14, 2008 Posted March 14, 2008 Any and all TCG are HTS, so if collect them and/or get lucky to find someone who does it's an OK trade
Izzy ♥ Posted March 14, 2008 Posted March 14, 2008 The Yellow Quiggle (TCG) is buyable for around 50k - so I suppose three do make what you're asking but as Aang as said any TCG are hard to sell... so I'd say don't take it, hold out for pure :)
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