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Awesome this is just the topic I was waiting for. :) I'm glad we set up the forum early.


I'm hoping they run it just like they did last year, and they make it an annual thing basically. :)

Yes just like the Altador Cup, I really only want the Avatar.


I was lucky enough to get it last year. What would be cool, for a new prize would be a layout theme now. :) Now that'd be worth playing for. b)


Yeah, some prizes are pretty worthless. Maybe if all the prizes are random (to some extent) then we could get more value out of them!


Prizes random... that would be a bad bad bad thing for coverage :P



I'm expecting it to include some new game...

and please, no Dar-Blat as it's really hard to score!


A site theme would be an excellent idea for a prize. :yes:


I wonder if TNT is planning to revamp any of the old games for this?


The Daily Dare this year should be good, I just hope the prizes are a bit better quality. When I was getting Packrat last year (a few months after Daily Dare) I remember buying a lot of the prizes because they were so cheap!


Maybe they could make some of the prizes much harder to get? That would certainly make them pretty darn valuable.


Well I remember that the prize at the very end for beating AAA in every challenge on the day it was released was a book. That book is currently worth a few million, that sounds valuable to me!


All right - that sounds like a fair deal. *Waits for challenges* :P


They would have some of the newer games I bet. I happened to participate in the November challenges, so I really hope they get some better prizes. Maybe have harder challenges this time, with even better, more valuable prizes? I would have to be on a computer for the whole thing, though.


Random Codestones Perhaps?!?!


That'll deflate them fast. :)


I really hope codestones are a prize. Their cost is getting a bit too high and it's about time they deflated a bit. TNT deflated a whole bunch of Paint Brushes so why not codestones?


I just want something useful from this year's Daily Dare. The best prize from last year's Game Master's Challenge was the Split Lenny Morphing Potion and that was reasonably useful.


The thing is, if the challenges are too hard, TNT will have their hands full with a horde of whiners.


TNT can never win no matter how hard they try. It will be too hard or too easy or too short. Then if they decided to stop making them due to the amount of complaints then people would complain more. It's very hard/dawning on impossible to please that many people and still have time to sleep :P


I respect TNT for trying and will like/not complain about anything they give us. They are only human after all (at least I think they are).


They might be meepits. One of my meepit workers claim he is the real Adam, but that's also the one who's fallen of the third floor so many times...


It's basically a series of game challenges. In a nutshell, every day you get challenged to get a certain score on a certain game. :yes:


Every day there is a certain game that you have to play (like AA said above). However everyday there are TWO scores you are challenged to beat. There is AAA who has reasonably difficult scores to beat and there is Abigail who has easy scores. Your prize at the end reflects who you challenged each day.


Hmm... maybe this time round AAA will have called in another person to try and set scores we can't beat?


That does sound like a good possibility. Something tells me AAA isn't nearly strong enough to be bashing that door that hard. Perhaps an older stronger brother?

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